1. Modifications, Additions, Changes to the Agenda 2. Approval of Minutes, May 15, 2014
Approval of Bills
4. Consideration of Resolution and Eligibility Report, Eagle Ridge Area, Phil Kushlan and Ryan Armbruster 5. Consulting Contract for Eligibility Report, Renee Magee
Update on River Gardens, Phase II, and Greenbelt Improvements North of Broadway, Greg Weitzel
Preliminary Approval of Fiscal Year 2014-2015 Budget and Approval of Notice of Public Hearing for Such Budget, Thane Sparks
Authorization for Reimbursement, Ball Ventures and Thomas Development Project, Renee Magee
9. Update on Redevelopment Association of Idaho 10. Next Meeting: August 21, 2014
1. Modifications, Additions, Changes to the Agenda 2. Approval of Minutes, May 15, 2014
Approval of Bills
4. Consideration of Resolution and Eligibility Report, Eagle Ridge Area, Phil Kushlan and Ryan Armbruster 5. Consulting Contract for Eligibility Report, Renee Magee
Update on River Gardens, Phase II, and Greenbelt Improvements North of Broadway, Greg Weitzel
Preliminary Approval of Fiscal Year 2014-2015 Budget and Approval of Notice of Public Hearing for Such Budget, Thane Sparks
Authorization for Reimbursement, Ball Ventures and Thomas Development Project, Renee Magee
9. Update on Redevelopment Association of Idaho 10. Next Meeting: August 21, 2014