1. Call to Order and Roll Call. 2. Pledge of Allegiance.
Public Comment and Mayor's Response Time (Limit 15 Minutes):
CONSENT AGENDA: Any item will be removed from the Consent Agenda at the request of any member of the Council and that item will be considered separately later. Approval by roll call vote: a. Items from the City Clerk: 1. Approval of Minutes from the August 6, 2014 Budget Work Session, the August 7, 2014 Budget Work Session, the August 11, 2014 Council Work Session, and the August 14, 2014 Regular Council Meeting. 2. Approval of License Applications, including a BEER TO BE CONSUMED ON THE PREMISES LICENSE to Tandoori Oven, all carrying the required approvals. b. Items from the Airport Director: 1. FAA Grant Offer, AIP No. 3-16-0018-039-2014 in the amount of $1,888,760.00 for the Design, Construction, and Construction Administration of the Airport Apron, Taxilane and Access Road Project. This grant represents 93.75% of the costs, with the remaining 6.25% funded by Airport budgeted resources. The Airport Division respectfully requests approval and authorization for the Mayor and City Attorney to execute and certify said document. 2. Change Order No. 6 with Barry Hayes Construction, LLC for the Terminal Expansion Project. This Change Order is a credit due to a previous billing discrepancy by the contractor. This credit decreases the project cost by $4,250.00 for a revised contract total of $2,399,004.97. The Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) has reviewed and approved this Change Order. The Airport Division respectfully requests City Council approval of said document and authorization for the Mayor to execute the necessary documents. ACTION: To approve all items on the Consent Agenda according to the recommendations presented.
Ralph Isom Farm Lease Extension Agreement: This is a proposed Lease Agreement between the City of Idaho Falls and Ralph Isom for City-owned property located west of Idaho Falls. The City Attorney has reviewed and approved this Lease Agreement. It is not anticipated that this property will be needed for public purposes during the term of the Lease. It is respectfully requested that Council approve the Lease Agreement and authorize the Mayor and City Clerk to execute the necessary documents. ACTION: To approve the Farm Lease Agreement between the City of Idaho Falls and Ralph Isom and give authorization for the Mayor and City Clerk to execute the necessary documents (or take other action deemed appropriate).
Idaho Army National Guard Supplemental Agreement No. 7: This is the Idaho National Guard Supplemental Agreement No. 7. Said agreement will extend for an additional five years to construct and maintain access to the City of Idaho Falls sanitary disposal area located on Cinder Butte Road. Municipal Services Division respectfully requests that the City Council approve said Agreement and give authorization for the Mayor to execute the necessary documents. ACTION: To approve the Idaho National Guard Supplemental Agreement No. 7 and give authorization for the Mayor to execute the necessary documents (or take other action deemed appropriate).
Parking Lot Lease Agreement between City of Idaho Falls and Watersprings School: This is a proposed Lease Agreement between the City of Idaho Falls and Watersprings School for City-owned property located at 574 4th Street. The City Attorney has prepared and approved the attached Lease. It is not anticipated that the property will be needed for public purposes during the term of this Agreement. Municipal Services Division respectfully requests that Council approve said Lease Agreement and give authorization for the Mayor and City Clerk to execute the necessary documents. ACTION: To approve the Parking Lot Lease Agreement between City of Idaho Falls and Watersprings School and give authorization for the Mayor and City Clerk to execute the necessary documents (or take other action deemed appropriate).
Acceptance of Qualified Bidders for Old Lower Plant Generator Rewind Project: At the June 26 City Council Meeting, Council authorized staff to prequalify potential bidders for work associated with the rewind of the generators from the Old Lower Plant as part of the upgrade to that facility. This project is a subset of the Old Lower Plant Upgrade and Rewind Project in the Capital Improvement Plan and is included in both the Fiscal Year 2014 and Fiscal Year 2015 Budgets. Six potential bidders responded to our advertised solicitation. The responses have been reviewed by our engineer, Mooney Consulting, with five meeting the requirements for prequalification. All firms were notified by mail of their prequalification status on August 11. Idaho Falls Power requests that the City Council approve prequalification of Integrated Power Services, Australian Winders, GE Industrial Solutions, Alstrom Power Inc., and Seattle Industrial Motor and Machine, and authorize the bid package to be mailed to these contractors for competitive bidding. ACTION: To approve prequalification of Integrated Power Services, Australian Winders, GE Industrial Solutions, Alstrom Power, Inc., and Seattle Industrial Motor and Machine and give authorization for the bid package to be mailed to these contractors for competitive bidding of this project (or take other action deemed appropriate).
Tabulation and Award of Bid for Fiscal Year 2015 Line Clearance Project: This is the bid tabulation for the Fiscal Year 2015 Line Clearance Project. The sole bid received was from Davey Tree Surgery Company. This is the same company who has subcontracted this work for the last several years. Idaho Falls Power staff has been very pleased with the work done by Davey Tree. Idaho Falls Power continues to realize reduction in vegetation related outages due to the proactive line clearance practices. Idaho Falls Power recommends City Council award the bid to Davey Tree Surgery Company for a not to exceed amount of $325,000.00, and authorize the Mayor and City Clerk to sign the documents. ACTION: To accept the bid provided by Davey Tree Surgery Company to complete the Fiscal Year 2015 Line Clearance Project for a not to exceed amount of $325,000.00 and give authorization for the Mayor and City Clerk to execute the necessary contract documents (or take other action deemed appropriate).
Public Hearing - Adoption of 2014-2015 Proposed New Fees and Fee Increases: Municipal Services Division respectfully requests the Mayor and Council approval of the 2014-2015 proposed fees including new fees and fee increases. The proposed new fees and fee increases were advertised August 17, 2014 and August 24, 2014 as required by Idaho Code. The Public Hearing is scheduled for 7:30 p.m., Thursday, August 28, 2014, in the Council Chambers in the City Annex Building located at 680 Park Avenue in Idaho Falls, Idaho. ACTION: To approve the Resolution adopting a Schedule of Revised Fees for services provided and regularly charged as specified by City Code and give authorization for the Mayor and City Clerk to execute the necessary documents (or take other action deemed appropriate).
Public Hearing - Adoption of 2014-2015 Fiscal Year Budget: This is the proposed Annual 2014-2015 Fiscal Year Budget that was tentatively approved on August 14, 2014 by the Mayor and City Council and has been advertised as required by Idaho Code. Municipal Services respectfully requests the adoption of the 2014-2015 Fiscal Year Budget in the amount of $177,578,424.00 and the attached Appropriation Ordinance, appropriating the monies to and among the various funds. ACTION: To approve the Ordinance adopting the 2014-2015 Fiscal Year Budget in the amount of $177,578,424.00 under the suspension of the rules requiring three complete and separate readings and that it be read by title and published by summary (or consider the Ordinance on the first reading and that it be read by title, or reject the Ordinance).
Annual 2014-2015 Fiscal Year Budget that was tentatively approved on August 14, 2014 by the Mayor and City Council and has been advertised as required by Idaho Code. Municipal Services respectfully requests the adoption of the 2014-2015 Fiscal Year Budget in the amount of $177,578,424.00 and the attached Appropriation Ordinance, appropriating the monies to and among the various funds. ACTION: To approve the Ordinance adopting the 2014-2015 Fiscal Year Budget in the amount of $177,578,424.00 under the suspension of the rules requiring three complete and separate readings and that it be read by title and published by summary (or consider the Ordinance on the first reading and that it be read by title, or reject the Ordinance). Motion to Adjourn.
1. Call to Order and Roll Call. 2. Pledge of Allegiance.
Public Comment and Mayor's Response Time (Limit 15 Minutes):
CONSENT AGENDA: Any item will be removed from the Consent Agenda at the request of any member of the Council and that item will be considered separately later. Approval by roll call vote: a. Items from the City Clerk: 1. Approval of Minutes from the August 6, 2014 Budget Work Session, the August 7, 2014 Budget Work Session, the August 11, 2014 Council Work Session, and the August 14, 2014 Regular Council Meeting. 2. Approval of License Applications, including a BEER TO BE CONSUMED ON THE PREMISES LICENSE to Tandoori Oven, all carrying the required approvals. b. Items from the Airport Director: 1. FAA Grant Offer, AIP No. 3-16-0018-039-2014 in the amount of $1,888,760.00 for the Design, Construction, and Construction Administration of the Airport Apron, Taxilane and Access Road Project. This grant represents 93.75% of the costs, with the remaining 6.25% funded by Airport budgeted resources. The Airport Division respectfully requests approval and authorization for the Mayor and City Attorney to execute and certify said document. 2. Change Order No. 6 with Barry Hayes Construction, LLC for the Terminal Expansion Project. This Change Order is a credit due to a previous billing discrepancy by the contractor. This credit decreases the project cost by $4,250.00 for a revised contract total of $2,399,004.97. The Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) has reviewed and approved this Change Order. The Airport Division respectfully requests City Council approval of said document and authorization for the Mayor to execute the necessary documents. ACTION: To approve all items on the Consent Agenda according to the recommendations presented.
Ralph Isom Farm Lease Extension Agreement: This is a proposed Lease Agreement between the City of Idaho Falls and Ralph Isom for City-owned property located west of Idaho Falls. The City Attorney has reviewed and approved this Lease Agreement. It is not anticipated that this property will be needed for public purposes during the term of the Lease. It is respectfully requested that Council approve the Lease Agreement and authorize the Mayor and City Clerk to execute the necessary documents. ACTION: To approve the Farm Lease Agreement between the City of Idaho Falls and Ralph Isom and give authorization for the Mayor and City Clerk to execute the necessary documents (or take other action deemed appropriate).
Idaho Army National Guard Supplemental Agreement No. 7: This is the Idaho National Guard Supplemental Agreement No. 7. Said agreement will extend for an additional five years to construct and maintain access to the City of Idaho Falls sanitary disposal area located on Cinder Butte Road. Municipal Services Division respectfully requests that the City Council approve said Agreement and give authorization for the Mayor to execute the necessary documents. ACTION: To approve the Idaho National Guard Supplemental Agreement No. 7 and give authorization for the Mayor to execute the necessary documents (or take other action deemed appropriate).
Parking Lot Lease Agreement between City of Idaho Falls and Watersprings School: This is a proposed Lease Agreement between the City of Idaho Falls and Watersprings School for City-owned property located at 574 4th Street. The City Attorney has prepared and approved the attached Lease. It is not anticipated that the property will be needed for public purposes during the term of this Agreement. Municipal Services Division respectfully requests that Council approve said Lease Agreement and give authorization for the Mayor and City Clerk to execute the necessary documents. ACTION: To approve the Parking Lot Lease Agreement between City of Idaho Falls and Watersprings School and give authorization for the Mayor and City Clerk to execute the necessary documents (or take other action deemed appropriate).
Acceptance of Qualified Bidders for Old Lower Plant Generator Rewind Project: At the June 26 City Council Meeting, Council authorized staff to prequalify potential bidders for work associated with the rewind of the generators from the Old Lower Plant as part of the upgrade to that facility. This project is a subset of the Old Lower Plant Upgrade and Rewind Project in the Capital Improvement Plan and is included in both the Fiscal Year 2014 and Fiscal Year 2015 Budgets. Six potential bidders responded to our advertised solicitation. The responses have been reviewed by our engineer, Mooney Consulting, with five meeting the requirements for prequalification. All firms were notified by mail of their prequalification status on August 11. Idaho Falls Power requests that the City Council approve prequalification of Integrated Power Services, Australian Winders, GE Industrial Solutions, Alstrom Power Inc., and Seattle Industrial Motor and Machine, and authorize the bid package to be mailed to these contractors for competitive bidding. ACTION: To approve prequalification of Integrated Power Services, Australian Winders, GE Industrial Solutions, Alstrom Power, Inc., and Seattle Industrial Motor and Machine and give authorization for the bid package to be mailed to these contractors for competitive bidding of this project (or take other action deemed appropriate).
Tabulation and Award of Bid for Fiscal Year 2015 Line Clearance Project: This is the bid tabulation for the Fiscal Year 2015 Line Clearance Project. The sole bid received was from Davey Tree Surgery Company. This is the same company who has subcontracted this work for the last several years. Idaho Falls Power staff has been very pleased with the work done by Davey Tree. Idaho Falls Power continues to realize reduction in vegetation related outages due to the proactive line clearance practices. Idaho Falls Power recommends City Council award the bid to Davey Tree Surgery Company for a not to exceed amount of $325,000.00, and authorize the Mayor and City Clerk to sign the documents. ACTION: To accept the bid provided by Davey Tree Surgery Company to complete the Fiscal Year 2015 Line Clearance Project for a not to exceed amount of $325,000.00 and give authorization for the Mayor and City Clerk to execute the necessary contract documents (or take other action deemed appropriate).
Public Hearing - Adoption of 2014-2015 Proposed New Fees and Fee Increases: Municipal Services Division respectfully requests the Mayor and Council approval of the 2014-2015 proposed fees including new fees and fee increases. The proposed new fees and fee increases were advertised August 17, 2014 and August 24, 2014 as required by Idaho Code. The Public Hearing is scheduled for 7:30 p.m., Thursday, August 28, 2014, in the Council Chambers in the City Annex Building located at 680 Park Avenue in Idaho Falls, Idaho. ACTION: To approve the Resolution adopting a Schedule of Revised Fees for services provided and regularly charged as specified by City Code and give authorization for the Mayor and City Clerk to execute the necessary documents (or take other action deemed appropriate).
Public Hearing - Adoption of 2014-2015 Fiscal Year Budget: This is the proposed Annual 2014-2015 Fiscal Year Budget that was tentatively approved on August 14, 2014 by the Mayor and City Council and has been advertised as required by Idaho Code. Municipal Services respectfully requests the adoption of the 2014-2015 Fiscal Year Budget in the amount of $177,578,424.00 and the attached Appropriation Ordinance, appropriating the monies to and among the various funds. ACTION: To approve the Ordinance adopting the 2014-2015 Fiscal Year Budget in the amount of $177,578,424.00 under the suspension of the rules requiring three complete and separate readings and that it be read by title and published by summary (or consider the Ordinance on the first reading and that it be read by title, or reject the Ordinance).
Annual 2014-2015 Fiscal Year Budget that was tentatively approved on August 14, 2014 by the Mayor and City Council and has been advertised as required by Idaho Code. Municipal Services respectfully requests the adoption of the 2014-2015 Fiscal Year Budget in the amount of $177,578,424.00 and the attached Appropriation Ordinance, appropriating the monies to and among the various funds. ACTION: To approve the Ordinance adopting the 2014-2015 Fiscal Year Budget in the amount of $177,578,424.00 under the suspension of the rules requiring three complete and separate readings and that it be read by title and published by summary (or consider the Ordinance on the first reading and that it be read by title, or reject the Ordinance). Motion to Adjourn.