1. Call to Order and Roll Call. 2. Pledge of Allegiance.
CONSENT AGENDA: Any item will be removed from the Consent Agenda at the request of any member of the Council and that item will be considered separately later. Approval by roll call vote: a. Items from the City Clerk: 1. Approval of Minutes from the July 17, 2014 Budget Work Session, the July 21, 2014 Budget Work Session, the July 21, 2014 Council Work Session, the July 24, 2014 Regular Council Meeting, the July 30, 2014 Budget Work Session, and the August 4, 2014 Budget Work Session. 2. Approval of License Applications, including BEER LICENSES to Carniceria Aguililla, Inc. and Red Robin America's Gourmet Burgers and Spirits (Transfer Only), all carrying the required approvals. 3. Approval of the Monthly Expenditure Summary for the month of July, 2014. 4. Approval of Monthly Treasurer's Report for the month of July, 2014. 5. Approval of Monthly Reports from various Division and Department Heads. b. Items from the Municipal Services Director: 1. Municipal Services respectfully requests authorization to advertise to receive bids for the following items approved in the 2014-2015 Budget: a. Equipment b. Equipment and Materials for Electrical Generation, Transmission, Distribution, Fiber Optics, Metering and Signalization c. Water Pipe Fittings and Other Water Line Equipment and Materials d. Sewer Department Materials and Supplies e. Chlorine and Sodium Bisulfite (Sewer and Water Department) f. Road Salt and Sand (Street Department) g. Aggregate (Crushed Gravel) (Street Department) h. Asphalt Plant Mix/Modified Crack Sealant (Street Department) i. Traffic Striping Paint and Solvent j. Sanitation Refuse Containers k. Motor Fuels, Lubricants and Services; and the Fuel obtained through a Computerized Fuel Dispensing System 2. Municipal Services respectfully requests authorization to advertise to receive bids for a new roof on the NanoSteel Building. ACTION: To approve all items on the Consent Agenda according to the recommendations presented.
Resolution Adopting the 2014 Idaho Falls Power Service Policy: This is a Resolution adopting modifications to the 2014 Idaho Falls Power Service Policy. A copy of the Service Policy has been filed with the City Clerk or can be viewed at Idaho Falls Power. Idaho Falls Power respectfully requests that City Council approve the Resolution and authorize the Mayor to execute the necessary documents. ACTION: To approve the Resolution adopting modifications to the 2014 Idaho Falls Power Service Policy and give authorization for the Mayor and City Clerk to execute the necessary documents (or take other action deemed appropriate).
Approve the Usage Monitor Software Access Agreement with Exceleron: Idaho Falls Power is implementing a new energy management web portal for customers to access to retrieve information on electric use at their premises. Customers can voluntarily sign up for this service if interested. The City Attorney has reviewed the Usage Monitor Software Access Agreement. Staff recommends that City Council approve this Agreement and authorize the Mayor to execute the document. ACTION: To approve the Usage Monitor Software Access Agreement with Exceleron, and give authorization for the Mayor to execute the necessary documents (or take other action deemed appropriate).
Intermountain Power Superintendents Association Mutual Aid Agreement: This is a Mutual Aid Agreement developed by the Intermountain Power Superintendents Association. Idaho Falls Power executes agreements with neighboring utilities through different organizations to expand the network of utility assistance should an event require outside help. Idaho Falls Power respectfully requests authorization for the Mayor to execute this Mutual Aid Agreement. ACTION: To approve the Mutual Aid Agreement with Intermountain Power Superintendents Association, and give authorization for the Mayor to execute the necessary documents (or take other action deemed appropriate).
Tabulation and Award of Bid for Control Building Cooling System Improvements: This is a bid tabulation for the Control Building Cooling System Improvements Project. Three bids were received and have been reviewed. The project involves upgrading the cooling system in the server room in the Control Building which has been undependable in recent years. ACTION: To approve the plans and specifications for the Control Building Cooling System Improvements Project, to award to the responsive, responsible bidder, and to authorize the Mayor and City Clerk to execute the necessary documents.
Public Comment and Mayor's Response Time (Limit 15 Minutes}: For members of the Public to speak to the Council regarding matters NOT on the Agenda, not currently pending before the Planning Commission or Board of Adjustment; not the subject of a pending enforcement action; and not relative to a City personnel matter. Please state your name and address for the record and please limit remarks to three (3) minutes. Mayor and/or staff will respond to comments from previous meeting.
Publication of "Notice of Public Hearing" - Imposition of New Fees or Fee Increases for Fiscal Year 2014-2015: Municipal Services Division respectfully requests the Mayor and Council's approval to publish the "Notice of Public Hearing" regarding the imposition of new fees or fee increases for Fiscal Year 2014-2015, with publication dates set for August 17, 2014 and August 24, 2014. The Public Hearing is scheduled for 7:30 p.m., Thursday, August 28, 2014, at the Council Chambers in the City Annex Building located at 680 Park Avenue in Idaho Falls, Idaho.
Publication of "Notice of Public Hearing" - 2014-2015 Fiscal Year Budget: Municipal Services Division respectfully requests the Mayor and Council to tentatively approve the 2014-2015 Fiscal Year Budget in the amount of $177,578,424.00. Approval is also requested to publish the "Notice of Public Hearing" for the 2014-2015 Fiscal Year Budget with publication dates set for August 17, 2014 and August 24, 2014. The Public Hearing is scheduled for 7:30 p.m., Thursday, August 28, 2014, at the Council Chambers in the City Annex Building located at 680 Park Avenue in Idaho Falls, Idaho. ACTION: To tentatively approve the 2014-2015 Fiscal Year Budget in the amount of $177,578,424.00; to authorize the publication of the "Notice of Public Hearing" regarding the 2014-2015 Fiscal Year Budget with publication dates set for August 17, 2014 and August 24, 2014, scheduling the public hearing for Thursday, August 28, 2014 at 7:30 p.m. in the City Council Chambers at the City Annex Building located at 680 Park Avenue in Idaho Falls, Idaho (or take other action deemed appropriate).
Authorization to Change Telephone and Internet Services: This involves three proposed contracts to change the telephone and internet services for the City of Idaho Falls. It is the recommendation of Municipal Services to change the telephone and internet services to CenturyLink. In addition, it is recommended to also receive internet services from a second provider, Syringa Wireless. The total yearly amount for these services would be $28,200.00. Bonneville County has agreed to pay for one-half of the internet service contracts. Their share of the contracts will total $6,900.00 per year. ACTION: To approve the contract with CenturyLink to provide telephone and internet services for the City of Idaho Falls, as well as to approve the contract with Syringa Wireless to provide internet services, for a total yearly amount of $28,200.00, with Bonneville County paying for one-half ($6,900.00 per year) of the internet service contracts, and give authorization for the Mayor to execute the necessary documents (or take other action deemed appropriate).
General Liability, Property, Vehicle Liability, Airport Liability, E & O of Public Officials, Police Professional, Fidelity, Excess Liability and Boiler and Machinery Coverage Placement: It is respectfully requested that the Mayor and Council authorize the placement for the above coverage with ICRMP. The broker is The Hartwell Corporation. The contract is for one year beginning October 1, 2014, and the premium is $613,767.00. ACTION: To approve the placement of General Liability, Property, Vehicle Liability, Airport Liability, E&O of Public Officials, Police Professional, Fidelity, Excess Liability and Boiler and Machinery Coverage with ICRMP with The Hartwell Corporation being the broker, with coverage beginning October 1, 2014, the premium amount being $613,767.00 (or take other action deemed appropriate).
Tabulation and Award of Bid No. IF-14-20, Outage Management and GIS Management: This is a bid for Outage Management and GIS Management for Idaho Falls Power. The low bid of DataVoice did not meet the required specifications (Reference Attachment - Memo from Idaho Falls Power). Therefore, it is the recommendation of Municipal Services and of Idaho Falls Power to accept the responsive, responsible bid submitted by Futura Systems, Inc. to furnish a fully complete and -developed solutron~for Outage Management and GIS Management and to implement that solution into Idaho Falls Power infrastructure in the amount of $95,560.00. ACTION: To accept the responsive, responsible bid submitted by Futura Systems, Inc. in the amount of $95,560.00 to furnish a complete and developed solution for Outage Management and GIS Management and to implement that solution into Idaho Falls Power infrastructure (or take other action deemed appropriate).
1. Change Order No. 4 with Cannon Builders, Inc. for the "D" Street Underpass Reconstruction Project: This is Change Order No. 4 to the "D" Street Underpass Reconstruction Project. The Change Order provides additional compensation to the contractor for crane rental due to delays to track installation caused by a Union Pacific Railroad derailment. The additional cost of this Change Order is $29,181.00. This Change Order has been reviewed by the City Attorney. Public Works recommends approval of this Change Order and authorization for the Mayor and City Clerk to sign the documents. ACTION: To approve Change Order No. 4 with Cannon Builders, Inc. for the "D" Street Underpass Reconstruction Project in the amount of $29,181.00 and give authorization for the Mayor and City Clerk to execute the necessary documents (or take other action deemed appropriate).
Change Order No. 1 with Alder Construction for the Waste Water Treatment Plant Digester Lining and Cover Replacement Project: This is Change Order No. 1 to the Waste Water Treatment Plant Digester Lining and Cover Replacement Project. The Change Order provides additional compensation to the contractor to remove a partially failed lining system. Removal of this liner was not anticipated within the original bid. The total cost of this Change Order is $24,055.20. This Change Order has been reviewed by the City Attorney. Public Works recommends approval of this Change Order and authorization for the Mayor and City Clerk to sign the documents. ACTION: To approve Change Order No. 1 with Alder Construction for the Waste Water Treatment Plant Digester Lining and Cover Replacement Project in the amount of $24,055.20 and give authorization for the Mayor and City Clerk to execute the necessary documents (or take other action deemed appropriate).
ywide 2013 Project: This is Change Order No. 1 to the ADA and Sidewalk Improvements Citywide 2013 Project. The Change Order deletes six ADA ramps from the original contract and adds eight ramps at other locations for a total cost increase of $8,000.00. This is a Federal Aid Project and no additional City funds are anticipated to complete this work. This Change Order has been reviewed by the City Attorney. Public Works recommends approval of this Change Order and authorization for the Mayor and City Clerk to sign the documents. ACTION: To approve Change Order No. 1 with JM Concrete for the ADA and Sidewalk Improvements Citywide 2013 Project in the amount of $8,000.00, of which no additional City funds are anticipated to complete this work, and give authorization for the Mayor and City Clerk to execute the necessary documents (or take other action deemed appropriate).
Waste Water Treatment Plant Primary Treatment Upgrade Project"-Agreement for Continuing Professional Engineering Services and Task Order 14-01: The proposed Agreement is for Continuing Professional Engineering Services with Murray Smith and Associates, Inc., and Task Order 14-01 associated with the Waste Water Treatment Plant Primary Treatment Upgrades Project. The Task Order scope of work includes project data collection, analysis, project refinement, and a project definition report for a not-to-exceed amount of $186,384.00. The City Attorney has reviewed the proposed Agreement and Task Order. Public Works recommends approval of this Agreement for Continuing Professional Engineering Services and Task Order, and give authorization for the Mayor and City Clerk to sign the necessary documents. ACTION: To approve the Agreement for Continuing Professional Engineering Services and Task Order 14-01 with Murray Smith and Associates, Inc. in the amount of $186,384.00 for the Waste Water Treatment Plant Primary Treatment Upgrade Project, and give authorization for the Mayor and City Clerk to execute the necessary documents (or take other action deemed appropriate).
1. Frontier Airlines - Airport Operating Agreement and Terminal Building Lease: The Airport Division respectfully requests Council ratification for the execution of the Frontier Airlines Airport Operating Agreement and Terminal Building Lease. The City Attorney has reviewed and approved said Lease. ACTION: To ratify the execution of the Frontier Airlines Airport Operating Agreement and Terminal Building Lease (or take other action deemed appropriate).
Bid Award; Construction Agreement; and Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) Grant Application Increase Letter - Airport South Quadrant Apron, Taxilane and Access Road Project - Project No. AIP 039: The Airport Division respectfully requests Council ratification for the following three (3) items: a. Execution and Issuance of the Notice of Award to the firm providing the low bid, HK Contractors, Inc. in the amount of $1,769,288.00. On June 23, 2014, bids were received and opened for the South Quadrant Apron, Taxilane and Access Road Project. A tabulation of the bid results is attached. The FAA has approved the bid tabs and our recommendation to award to the low bidder. The Notice of Award is contingent upon the issuance and acceptance of FAA Grant Offer AIP 039. b. Execution of the Construction Agreement between the City of Idaho Falls and HK Contractors, Inc. in the amount of $1,769,288.00 for the construction of the South Quadrant Apron, Taxilane and Access Road Project. This Project will be funded through an FAA Grant at 93.75% with an Airport match of 6.25%. The FAA and City Attorney have reviewed and approved said Agreement. The Construction Agreement is contingent upon the issuance and acceptance of FAA Grant Offer AIP 039. c. Execution of the Letter to FAA requesting an increase in the Federal Share of AIP 039 Grant Application to total $1,900,000.00 for the South Quadrant Apron, Taxilane and _ Access Roau_Project. The~~FAAThas allocatedlhese additional funds to add to our Project. ACTION: To ratify the Execution and Issuance of the Notice of Award to the firm providing the low bid, HK Contractors, Inc. in the amount of $1,769,288.00; to ratify the Execution of the Construction Agreement between the City of Idaho Falls and HK Contractors, Inc. in the amount of $1,769,288.00 for the construction of the South Quadrant Apron, Taxilane and Access Road Project; and, to ratify the Execution of the Letter to FAA requesting an increase in the Federal Share of AIP 039 Grant Application to total $1,900,000.00 for the South Quadrant Apron, Taxilane and Access Road Project (or take other action deemed appropriate).
Gas Main Extension Contract between the City of Idaho Falls and Intermountain Gas Company - Airport South Quadrant Infrastructure Project: This is a Gas Main Extension Contract between the City of Idaho Falls and Intermountain Gas Company to support the South Quadrant Infrastructure Project. The City Attorney has reviewed and approved said Contract. The Airport Division respectfully requests approval and authorization for the Mayor and City Clerk to sign and execute said document. ACTION: To approve the Gas Main Extension Contract between the City of Idaho Falls and Intermountain Gas Company to support the Airport South Quadrant Infrastructure Project and give authorization for the Mayor and City Clerk to execute the necessary documents (or take other action deemed appropriate).
Agreement for Transfer of Entitlement Funds - South Quadrant Apron, Taxilane and Access Road Project ~ Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) AIP 039: This is an Agreement for Transfer of Entitlement Funds between the City of Idaho Falls, Idaho and United States of America - Federal Aviation Administration (FAA). Bids for the South Quadrant Apron, Taxilane and Access Road Project came in higher than expected. Therefore, the Airport needs to utilize a portion of its FY 2015 FAA Entitlement Funds to adequately construct the project. The Airport has received FAA approval to accomplish this through a one-time temporary transfer of $200,000.00 of unused FY 2014 Entitlement Grant Funds from the Magic Valley Regional Airport (TWF), City and County of Twin Falls, Idaho. Furthermore, in FY 2015 the City of Idaho Falls Regional Airport will then transfer back the $200,000.00 to TWF. The Magic Valley Regional Airport, City of Twin Falls will approve and execute their Agreement for Transfer at the Regular Scheduled City Council Meeting on August 18, 2014. In addition to continuing our positive relationship with other Idaho Airport entities, this multi-agency Agreement is a very positive collaboration in the eyes of the FAA due to the fact it allows them to disperse unused Airport Entitlement Funds during the current fiscal year, as directed by the U. S. Congress. The City Attorney has reviewed said document. The Airport Division respectfully requests approval and authorization for the Mayor and City Attorney to sign and execute said document. ACTION: To approve the Agreement for Transfer of Entitlement Funds between the City of Idaho Falls and United States of America - Federal Aviation Administration for the onetime temporary transfer of $200,000.00, and give authorization for the Mayor and City Clerk to execute the necessary documents (or take other action deemed appropriate).
Work Order No. 4 with T-O Engineers - On-Airport Rental Car Agencies Request for Proposals (RFP) and Analysis Project: This is Work Order No. 4 between the City of Idaho Falls and Airport Consultants T-O Engineers for the On-Airport -Rental-Gar-Agencies-Request-for-Proposals-(RFP)-and^nalysis-F^oject^—The~Ciiy~Attorn~ey has reviewed said document. The Airport Division respectfully requests approval and authorization for the Mayor and City Clerk to sign and execute said document. ACTION: To approve Work Order No. 4 between the City of Idaho Falls and Airport Consultants T-O Engineers for the On-Airport Rental Car Agencies Request for Proposals and Analysis Project and give authorization for the Mayor and City Clerk to execute the necessary documents (or take other action deemed appropriate).
Expansion Project: This is Change Order No. 5 for the Airport Terminal Expansion Project. This final Change Order is due to work items needed that were not addressed in the original contract and increases the project cost by $508.58 for a revised contract total of $2,403,763.55. The Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) has reviewed and approved this final Change Order as eligible for reimbursement at 93.75% The Airport Division respectfully requests City Council approval of this Change Order.
Group Health Insurance Rate Sheets with Blue Cross of Idaho: The Benefits Advisory Committee began meeting in May 2014 to discuss revisions to the proposed 2014-2015 Group Health Insurance Plan. At the first Benefits Advisory Committee Meeting, Mayor Casper informed the Committee that the City could not afford a 12.04% renewal and that much work needed to be done in order to achieve a renewal that was more affordable to the City. She indicated that the City may be able to absorb the Affordable Health Care increases, which are 4.65% of the proposed 12.04% renewal. The Benefits Advisory Committee worked diligently to develop a proposal that would be a good, long-term solution for the employees and the City. The majority of the Benefits Advisory Committee recommends two options for the 2014-2015 Plan Year (1) PPO and (2) High Deductible Health Plan with Health Save Account (H.S.A.). The Vision Plan was separated from the medical plan due to ACA requirements. The Division of Human Resources recommends the Mayor be authorized to sign the Group Health Insurance Rate Sheets with Blue Cross of Idaho. ACTION: To approve the two options for the 2014-2015 Blue Cross of Idaho Plan Year and give authorization for the Mayor to execute the Group Health Insurance Rate Sheets with Blue Cross of Idaho (or take other action deemed appropriate).
Group Dental Rate Sheets with Delta Dental: The proposed rates for Delta Dental Insurance are the same as the current rates with the same coverage. ACTION: To approve the Group Dental Rate Sheets with Delta Dental for the 2014-2015 Plan Year and give authorization for the Mayor to execute the necessary documents (or take other action deemed appropriate).
Added Item
City Attorney Division: 1. An Ordinance Amending the Idaho Falls City Code to Remove Fee Amounts from the Code: The City Attorney's Office recommends consideration and adoption of the Ordinance removing the fee amounts from the City Code. ACTION: To approve the Ordinance removing the fee amounts from the Idaho Falls City Code under the suspension of the rules requiring three complete and separate readings and that it be read by title and published by summary (or consider the Ordinance on the first reading and that it be read by title, or reject the Ordinance).
Beverage Vending Services Agreement: This is a 5-year Agreement with Pepsi-Cola Company to provide beverage vending services for the Division of Parks and Recreation. ACTION: To approve the Beverage Vending Services Agreement with Pepsi Cola Company and give authorization for the Mayor and City Clerk to execute the necessary documents (or take other action deemed appropriate).
Snake River Animal Shelter Long-Term Lease Agreement: The term of this lease will be for 30 years for a 16-acre parcel of City-owned property for the Snake River Animal Shelter to construct a building and other improvements on the premises for the operations of the animal shelter, with the option to renew the lease for two ten-year periods. This property is located north of downtown Idaho Falls along the Snake River. ACTION: To approve the Lease Agreement with the Snake River Animal Shelter and give authorization for the Mayor and City Clerk to execute the necessary documents (or take other action deemed appropriate).
Final Plat and Reasoned Statement of Relevant Criteria and Standards - Kingwood Addition, Division No. 1, Amended: This is an application for a Final Plat and Reasoned Statement of Relevant Criteria and Standards for Kingwood Addition, Division No. 1, First Amended. The Planning Commission considered this item at its August 5, 2014 Meeting and recommended approval by a 6-0 vote. Staff concurs with this recommendation. ACTION: The following recommendations in sequential order (or take other action deemed appropriate): a. To approve the Final Plat for Kingwood Addition, Division No. 1, 1st Amended and give authorization for the Mayor, City Engineer, and City Clerk to sign said Final Plat. b. To approve the Reasoned Statement of Relevant Criteria and Standards for Kingwood Addition, Division No. 1, 1st Amended and give authorization for the Mayor to execute the necessary documents.
Resolution Directing Idaho Falls Redevelopment Agency to Prepare Urban Renewal Plan for Eagle Ridge Area: Renee Magee, Executive Director of the Idaho Falls Redevelopment Agency has submitted a packet which includes a Resolution and supporting documentation directing the Agency to prepare an Urban Renewal Plan for the Eagle Ridge Area. The area includes approximately 53 acres of land contiguous to the Snake River Urban Renewal District and the River Commons District. Because some of the land proposed for the district is outside City of Idaho Falls limits, included in this packet is a Resolution passed by the Bonneville County Commissioners accepting the eligibility report and justification for designating the area as an appropriate urban renewal project. ACTION: To approve the Resolution and supporting documentation directing the Idaho Falls Redevelopment Agency to prepare an Urban Renewal Plan for the Eagle Ridge Area and give authorization for the Mayor and City Clerk to execute the necessary documents (or take other action deemed appropriate). Motion to Adjourn.
1. Call to Order and Roll Call. 2. Pledge of Allegiance.
CONSENT AGENDA: Any item will be removed from the Consent Agenda at the request of any member of the Council and that item will be considered separately later. Approval by roll call vote: a. Items from the City Clerk: 1. Approval of Minutes from the July 17, 2014 Budget Work Session, the July 21, 2014 Budget Work Session, the July 21, 2014 Council Work Session, the July 24, 2014 Regular Council Meeting, the July 30, 2014 Budget Work Session, and the August 4, 2014 Budget Work Session. 2. Approval of License Applications, including BEER LICENSES to Carniceria Aguililla, Inc. and Red Robin America's Gourmet Burgers and Spirits (Transfer Only), all carrying the required approvals. 3. Approval of the Monthly Expenditure Summary for the month of July, 2014. 4. Approval of Monthly Treasurer's Report for the month of July, 2014. 5. Approval of Monthly Reports from various Division and Department Heads. b. Items from the Municipal Services Director: 1. Municipal Services respectfully requests authorization to advertise to receive bids for the following items approved in the 2014-2015 Budget: a. Equipment b. Equipment and Materials for Electrical Generation, Transmission, Distribution, Fiber Optics, Metering and Signalization c. Water Pipe Fittings and Other Water Line Equipment and Materials d. Sewer Department Materials and Supplies e. Chlorine and Sodium Bisulfite (Sewer and Water Department) f. Road Salt and Sand (Street Department) g. Aggregate (Crushed Gravel) (Street Department) h. Asphalt Plant Mix/Modified Crack Sealant (Street Department) i. Traffic Striping Paint and Solvent j. Sanitation Refuse Containers k. Motor Fuels, Lubricants and Services; and the Fuel obtained through a Computerized Fuel Dispensing System 2. Municipal Services respectfully requests authorization to advertise to receive bids for a new roof on the NanoSteel Building. ACTION: To approve all items on the Consent Agenda according to the recommendations presented.
Resolution Adopting the 2014 Idaho Falls Power Service Policy: This is a Resolution adopting modifications to the 2014 Idaho Falls Power Service Policy. A copy of the Service Policy has been filed with the City Clerk or can be viewed at Idaho Falls Power. Idaho Falls Power respectfully requests that City Council approve the Resolution and authorize the Mayor to execute the necessary documents. ACTION: To approve the Resolution adopting modifications to the 2014 Idaho Falls Power Service Policy and give authorization for the Mayor and City Clerk to execute the necessary documents (or take other action deemed appropriate).
Approve the Usage Monitor Software Access Agreement with Exceleron: Idaho Falls Power is implementing a new energy management web portal for customers to access to retrieve information on electric use at their premises. Customers can voluntarily sign up for this service if interested. The City Attorney has reviewed the Usage Monitor Software Access Agreement. Staff recommends that City Council approve this Agreement and authorize the Mayor to execute the document. ACTION: To approve the Usage Monitor Software Access Agreement with Exceleron, and give authorization for the Mayor to execute the necessary documents (or take other action deemed appropriate).
Intermountain Power Superintendents Association Mutual Aid Agreement: This is a Mutual Aid Agreement developed by the Intermountain Power Superintendents Association. Idaho Falls Power executes agreements with neighboring utilities through different organizations to expand the network of utility assistance should an event require outside help. Idaho Falls Power respectfully requests authorization for the Mayor to execute this Mutual Aid Agreement. ACTION: To approve the Mutual Aid Agreement with Intermountain Power Superintendents Association, and give authorization for the Mayor to execute the necessary documents (or take other action deemed appropriate).
Tabulation and Award of Bid for Control Building Cooling System Improvements: This is a bid tabulation for the Control Building Cooling System Improvements Project. Three bids were received and have been reviewed. The project involves upgrading the cooling system in the server room in the Control Building which has been undependable in recent years. ACTION: To approve the plans and specifications for the Control Building Cooling System Improvements Project, to award to the responsive, responsible bidder, and to authorize the Mayor and City Clerk to execute the necessary documents.
Public Comment and Mayor's Response Time (Limit 15 Minutes}: For members of the Public to speak to the Council regarding matters NOT on the Agenda, not currently pending before the Planning Commission or Board of Adjustment; not the subject of a pending enforcement action; and not relative to a City personnel matter. Please state your name and address for the record and please limit remarks to three (3) minutes. Mayor and/or staff will respond to comments from previous meeting.
Publication of "Notice of Public Hearing" - Imposition of New Fees or Fee Increases for Fiscal Year 2014-2015: Municipal Services Division respectfully requests the Mayor and Council's approval to publish the "Notice of Public Hearing" regarding the imposition of new fees or fee increases for Fiscal Year 2014-2015, with publication dates set for August 17, 2014 and August 24, 2014. The Public Hearing is scheduled for 7:30 p.m., Thursday, August 28, 2014, at the Council Chambers in the City Annex Building located at 680 Park Avenue in Idaho Falls, Idaho.
Publication of "Notice of Public Hearing" - 2014-2015 Fiscal Year Budget: Municipal Services Division respectfully requests the Mayor and Council to tentatively approve the 2014-2015 Fiscal Year Budget in the amount of $177,578,424.00. Approval is also requested to publish the "Notice of Public Hearing" for the 2014-2015 Fiscal Year Budget with publication dates set for August 17, 2014 and August 24, 2014. The Public Hearing is scheduled for 7:30 p.m., Thursday, August 28, 2014, at the Council Chambers in the City Annex Building located at 680 Park Avenue in Idaho Falls, Idaho. ACTION: To tentatively approve the 2014-2015 Fiscal Year Budget in the amount of $177,578,424.00; to authorize the publication of the "Notice of Public Hearing" regarding the 2014-2015 Fiscal Year Budget with publication dates set for August 17, 2014 and August 24, 2014, scheduling the public hearing for Thursday, August 28, 2014 at 7:30 p.m. in the City Council Chambers at the City Annex Building located at 680 Park Avenue in Idaho Falls, Idaho (or take other action deemed appropriate).
Authorization to Change Telephone and Internet Services: This involves three proposed contracts to change the telephone and internet services for the City of Idaho Falls. It is the recommendation of Municipal Services to change the telephone and internet services to CenturyLink. In addition, it is recommended to also receive internet services from a second provider, Syringa Wireless. The total yearly amount for these services would be $28,200.00. Bonneville County has agreed to pay for one-half of the internet service contracts. Their share of the contracts will total $6,900.00 per year. ACTION: To approve the contract with CenturyLink to provide telephone and internet services for the City of Idaho Falls, as well as to approve the contract with Syringa Wireless to provide internet services, for a total yearly amount of $28,200.00, with Bonneville County paying for one-half ($6,900.00 per year) of the internet service contracts, and give authorization for the Mayor to execute the necessary documents (or take other action deemed appropriate).
General Liability, Property, Vehicle Liability, Airport Liability, E & O of Public Officials, Police Professional, Fidelity, Excess Liability and Boiler and Machinery Coverage Placement: It is respectfully requested that the Mayor and Council authorize the placement for the above coverage with ICRMP. The broker is The Hartwell Corporation. The contract is for one year beginning October 1, 2014, and the premium is $613,767.00. ACTION: To approve the placement of General Liability, Property, Vehicle Liability, Airport Liability, E&O of Public Officials, Police Professional, Fidelity, Excess Liability and Boiler and Machinery Coverage with ICRMP with The Hartwell Corporation being the broker, with coverage beginning October 1, 2014, the premium amount being $613,767.00 (or take other action deemed appropriate).
Tabulation and Award of Bid No. IF-14-20, Outage Management and GIS Management: This is a bid for Outage Management and GIS Management for Idaho Falls Power. The low bid of DataVoice did not meet the required specifications (Reference Attachment - Memo from Idaho Falls Power). Therefore, it is the recommendation of Municipal Services and of Idaho Falls Power to accept the responsive, responsible bid submitted by Futura Systems, Inc. to furnish a fully complete and -developed solutron~for Outage Management and GIS Management and to implement that solution into Idaho Falls Power infrastructure in the amount of $95,560.00. ACTION: To accept the responsive, responsible bid submitted by Futura Systems, Inc. in the amount of $95,560.00 to furnish a complete and developed solution for Outage Management and GIS Management and to implement that solution into Idaho Falls Power infrastructure (or take other action deemed appropriate).
1. Change Order No. 4 with Cannon Builders, Inc. for the "D" Street Underpass Reconstruction Project: This is Change Order No. 4 to the "D" Street Underpass Reconstruction Project. The Change Order provides additional compensation to the contractor for crane rental due to delays to track installation caused by a Union Pacific Railroad derailment. The additional cost of this Change Order is $29,181.00. This Change Order has been reviewed by the City Attorney. Public Works recommends approval of this Change Order and authorization for the Mayor and City Clerk to sign the documents. ACTION: To approve Change Order No. 4 with Cannon Builders, Inc. for the "D" Street Underpass Reconstruction Project in the amount of $29,181.00 and give authorization for the Mayor and City Clerk to execute the necessary documents (or take other action deemed appropriate).
Change Order No. 1 with Alder Construction for the Waste Water Treatment Plant Digester Lining and Cover Replacement Project: This is Change Order No. 1 to the Waste Water Treatment Plant Digester Lining and Cover Replacement Project. The Change Order provides additional compensation to the contractor to remove a partially failed lining system. Removal of this liner was not anticipated within the original bid. The total cost of this Change Order is $24,055.20. This Change Order has been reviewed by the City Attorney. Public Works recommends approval of this Change Order and authorization for the Mayor and City Clerk to sign the documents. ACTION: To approve Change Order No. 1 with Alder Construction for the Waste Water Treatment Plant Digester Lining and Cover Replacement Project in the amount of $24,055.20 and give authorization for the Mayor and City Clerk to execute the necessary documents (or take other action deemed appropriate).
ywide 2013 Project: This is Change Order No. 1 to the ADA and Sidewalk Improvements Citywide 2013 Project. The Change Order deletes six ADA ramps from the original contract and adds eight ramps at other locations for a total cost increase of $8,000.00. This is a Federal Aid Project and no additional City funds are anticipated to complete this work. This Change Order has been reviewed by the City Attorney. Public Works recommends approval of this Change Order and authorization for the Mayor and City Clerk to sign the documents. ACTION: To approve Change Order No. 1 with JM Concrete for the ADA and Sidewalk Improvements Citywide 2013 Project in the amount of $8,000.00, of which no additional City funds are anticipated to complete this work, and give authorization for the Mayor and City Clerk to execute the necessary documents (or take other action deemed appropriate).
Waste Water Treatment Plant Primary Treatment Upgrade Project"-Agreement for Continuing Professional Engineering Services and Task Order 14-01: The proposed Agreement is for Continuing Professional Engineering Services with Murray Smith and Associates, Inc., and Task Order 14-01 associated with the Waste Water Treatment Plant Primary Treatment Upgrades Project. The Task Order scope of work includes project data collection, analysis, project refinement, and a project definition report for a not-to-exceed amount of $186,384.00. The City Attorney has reviewed the proposed Agreement and Task Order. Public Works recommends approval of this Agreement for Continuing Professional Engineering Services and Task Order, and give authorization for the Mayor and City Clerk to sign the necessary documents. ACTION: To approve the Agreement for Continuing Professional Engineering Services and Task Order 14-01 with Murray Smith and Associates, Inc. in the amount of $186,384.00 for the Waste Water Treatment Plant Primary Treatment Upgrade Project, and give authorization for the Mayor and City Clerk to execute the necessary documents (or take other action deemed appropriate).
1. Frontier Airlines - Airport Operating Agreement and Terminal Building Lease: The Airport Division respectfully requests Council ratification for the execution of the Frontier Airlines Airport Operating Agreement and Terminal Building Lease. The City Attorney has reviewed and approved said Lease. ACTION: To ratify the execution of the Frontier Airlines Airport Operating Agreement and Terminal Building Lease (or take other action deemed appropriate).
Bid Award; Construction Agreement; and Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) Grant Application Increase Letter - Airport South Quadrant Apron, Taxilane and Access Road Project - Project No. AIP 039: The Airport Division respectfully requests Council ratification for the following three (3) items: a. Execution and Issuance of the Notice of Award to the firm providing the low bid, HK Contractors, Inc. in the amount of $1,769,288.00. On June 23, 2014, bids were received and opened for the South Quadrant Apron, Taxilane and Access Road Project. A tabulation of the bid results is attached. The FAA has approved the bid tabs and our recommendation to award to the low bidder. The Notice of Award is contingent upon the issuance and acceptance of FAA Grant Offer AIP 039. b. Execution of the Construction Agreement between the City of Idaho Falls and HK Contractors, Inc. in the amount of $1,769,288.00 for the construction of the South Quadrant Apron, Taxilane and Access Road Project. This Project will be funded through an FAA Grant at 93.75% with an Airport match of 6.25%. The FAA and City Attorney have reviewed and approved said Agreement. The Construction Agreement is contingent upon the issuance and acceptance of FAA Grant Offer AIP 039. c. Execution of the Letter to FAA requesting an increase in the Federal Share of AIP 039 Grant Application to total $1,900,000.00 for the South Quadrant Apron, Taxilane and _ Access Roau_Project. The~~FAAThas allocatedlhese additional funds to add to our Project. ACTION: To ratify the Execution and Issuance of the Notice of Award to the firm providing the low bid, HK Contractors, Inc. in the amount of $1,769,288.00; to ratify the Execution of the Construction Agreement between the City of Idaho Falls and HK Contractors, Inc. in the amount of $1,769,288.00 for the construction of the South Quadrant Apron, Taxilane and Access Road Project; and, to ratify the Execution of the Letter to FAA requesting an increase in the Federal Share of AIP 039 Grant Application to total $1,900,000.00 for the South Quadrant Apron, Taxilane and Access Road Project (or take other action deemed appropriate).
Gas Main Extension Contract between the City of Idaho Falls and Intermountain Gas Company - Airport South Quadrant Infrastructure Project: This is a Gas Main Extension Contract between the City of Idaho Falls and Intermountain Gas Company to support the South Quadrant Infrastructure Project. The City Attorney has reviewed and approved said Contract. The Airport Division respectfully requests approval and authorization for the Mayor and City Clerk to sign and execute said document. ACTION: To approve the Gas Main Extension Contract between the City of Idaho Falls and Intermountain Gas Company to support the Airport South Quadrant Infrastructure Project and give authorization for the Mayor and City Clerk to execute the necessary documents (or take other action deemed appropriate).
Agreement for Transfer of Entitlement Funds - South Quadrant Apron, Taxilane and Access Road Project ~ Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) AIP 039: This is an Agreement for Transfer of Entitlement Funds between the City of Idaho Falls, Idaho and United States of America - Federal Aviation Administration (FAA). Bids for the South Quadrant Apron, Taxilane and Access Road Project came in higher than expected. Therefore, the Airport needs to utilize a portion of its FY 2015 FAA Entitlement Funds to adequately construct the project. The Airport has received FAA approval to accomplish this through a one-time temporary transfer of $200,000.00 of unused FY 2014 Entitlement Grant Funds from the Magic Valley Regional Airport (TWF), City and County of Twin Falls, Idaho. Furthermore, in FY 2015 the City of Idaho Falls Regional Airport will then transfer back the $200,000.00 to TWF. The Magic Valley Regional Airport, City of Twin Falls will approve and execute their Agreement for Transfer at the Regular Scheduled City Council Meeting on August 18, 2014. In addition to continuing our positive relationship with other Idaho Airport entities, this multi-agency Agreement is a very positive collaboration in the eyes of the FAA due to the fact it allows them to disperse unused Airport Entitlement Funds during the current fiscal year, as directed by the U. S. Congress. The City Attorney has reviewed said document. The Airport Division respectfully requests approval and authorization for the Mayor and City Attorney to sign and execute said document. ACTION: To approve the Agreement for Transfer of Entitlement Funds between the City of Idaho Falls and United States of America - Federal Aviation Administration for the onetime temporary transfer of $200,000.00, and give authorization for the Mayor and City Clerk to execute the necessary documents (or take other action deemed appropriate).
Work Order No. 4 with T-O Engineers - On-Airport Rental Car Agencies Request for Proposals (RFP) and Analysis Project: This is Work Order No. 4 between the City of Idaho Falls and Airport Consultants T-O Engineers for the On-Airport -Rental-Gar-Agencies-Request-for-Proposals-(RFP)-and^nalysis-F^oject^—The~Ciiy~Attorn~ey has reviewed said document. The Airport Division respectfully requests approval and authorization for the Mayor and City Clerk to sign and execute said document. ACTION: To approve Work Order No. 4 between the City of Idaho Falls and Airport Consultants T-O Engineers for the On-Airport Rental Car Agencies Request for Proposals and Analysis Project and give authorization for the Mayor and City Clerk to execute the necessary documents (or take other action deemed appropriate).
Expansion Project: This is Change Order No. 5 for the Airport Terminal Expansion Project. This final Change Order is due to work items needed that were not addressed in the original contract and increases the project cost by $508.58 for a revised contract total of $2,403,763.55. The Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) has reviewed and approved this final Change Order as eligible for reimbursement at 93.75% The Airport Division respectfully requests City Council approval of this Change Order.
Group Health Insurance Rate Sheets with Blue Cross of Idaho: The Benefits Advisory Committee began meeting in May 2014 to discuss revisions to the proposed 2014-2015 Group Health Insurance Plan. At the first Benefits Advisory Committee Meeting, Mayor Casper informed the Committee that the City could not afford a 12.04% renewal and that much work needed to be done in order to achieve a renewal that was more affordable to the City. She indicated that the City may be able to absorb the Affordable Health Care increases, which are 4.65% of the proposed 12.04% renewal. The Benefits Advisory Committee worked diligently to develop a proposal that would be a good, long-term solution for the employees and the City. The majority of the Benefits Advisory Committee recommends two options for the 2014-2015 Plan Year (1) PPO and (2) High Deductible Health Plan with Health Save Account (H.S.A.). The Vision Plan was separated from the medical plan due to ACA requirements. The Division of Human Resources recommends the Mayor be authorized to sign the Group Health Insurance Rate Sheets with Blue Cross of Idaho. ACTION: To approve the two options for the 2014-2015 Blue Cross of Idaho Plan Year and give authorization for the Mayor to execute the Group Health Insurance Rate Sheets with Blue Cross of Idaho (or take other action deemed appropriate).
Group Dental Rate Sheets with Delta Dental: The proposed rates for Delta Dental Insurance are the same as the current rates with the same coverage. ACTION: To approve the Group Dental Rate Sheets with Delta Dental for the 2014-2015 Plan Year and give authorization for the Mayor to execute the necessary documents (or take other action deemed appropriate).
Added Item
City Attorney Division: 1. An Ordinance Amending the Idaho Falls City Code to Remove Fee Amounts from the Code: The City Attorney's Office recommends consideration and adoption of the Ordinance removing the fee amounts from the City Code. ACTION: To approve the Ordinance removing the fee amounts from the Idaho Falls City Code under the suspension of the rules requiring three complete and separate readings and that it be read by title and published by summary (or consider the Ordinance on the first reading and that it be read by title, or reject the Ordinance).
Beverage Vending Services Agreement: This is a 5-year Agreement with Pepsi-Cola Company to provide beverage vending services for the Division of Parks and Recreation. ACTION: To approve the Beverage Vending Services Agreement with Pepsi Cola Company and give authorization for the Mayor and City Clerk to execute the necessary documents (or take other action deemed appropriate).
Snake River Animal Shelter Long-Term Lease Agreement: The term of this lease will be for 30 years for a 16-acre parcel of City-owned property for the Snake River Animal Shelter to construct a building and other improvements on the premises for the operations of the animal shelter, with the option to renew the lease for two ten-year periods. This property is located north of downtown Idaho Falls along the Snake River. ACTION: To approve the Lease Agreement with the Snake River Animal Shelter and give authorization for the Mayor and City Clerk to execute the necessary documents (or take other action deemed appropriate).
Final Plat and Reasoned Statement of Relevant Criteria and Standards - Kingwood Addition, Division No. 1, Amended: This is an application for a Final Plat and Reasoned Statement of Relevant Criteria and Standards for Kingwood Addition, Division No. 1, First Amended. The Planning Commission considered this item at its August 5, 2014 Meeting and recommended approval by a 6-0 vote. Staff concurs with this recommendation. ACTION: The following recommendations in sequential order (or take other action deemed appropriate): a. To approve the Final Plat for Kingwood Addition, Division No. 1, 1st Amended and give authorization for the Mayor, City Engineer, and City Clerk to sign said Final Plat. b. To approve the Reasoned Statement of Relevant Criteria and Standards for Kingwood Addition, Division No. 1, 1st Amended and give authorization for the Mayor to execute the necessary documents.
Resolution Directing Idaho Falls Redevelopment Agency to Prepare Urban Renewal Plan for Eagle Ridge Area: Renee Magee, Executive Director of the Idaho Falls Redevelopment Agency has submitted a packet which includes a Resolution and supporting documentation directing the Agency to prepare an Urban Renewal Plan for the Eagle Ridge Area. The area includes approximately 53 acres of land contiguous to the Snake River Urban Renewal District and the River Commons District. Because some of the land proposed for the district is outside City of Idaho Falls limits, included in this packet is a Resolution passed by the Bonneville County Commissioners accepting the eligibility report and justification for designating the area as an appropriate urban renewal project. ACTION: To approve the Resolution and supporting documentation directing the Idaho Falls Redevelopment Agency to prepare an Urban Renewal Plan for the Eagle Ridge Area and give authorization for the Mayor and City Clerk to execute the necessary documents (or take other action deemed appropriate). Motion to Adjourn.