1. Call to Order and Roll Call. 2. Pledge of Allegiance. 3. Public Comment and Mayor's Response Time (Limit 15 Minutes): For members of the Public to speak to the Council regarding matters NOT on the Agenda, not currently pending before the Planning Commission or Board of Adjustment; not the subject of a pending enforcement action; and not relative to a City personnel matter. Please state your name and address for the record and please limit remarks to three (3) minutes. Mayor and/or staff will respond to comments from previous meeting.
CONSENT AGENDA: Any item will be removed from the Consent Agenda at the request of any member of the Council and that item will be considered separately later. Approval by roll call vote: a. Item from the Mayor: 1. Appointment of Kenneth B. McOmber to serve as the City Treasurer. b. Items from the City Clerk: 1. Approval of Minutes from the May 12, 2014 Special Council Meeting, the May 16, 2014 Special Council Meeting, the May 19, 2014 Council Work Session, the May 21, 2014 Special Council Meeting, the May 22, 2014 Special Council Meeting, the May 22, 2014 Regular Council Meeting, and the June 2, 2014 Cities-County Meeting. 2. Approval of License Applications, including BEER LICENSES to BV Coffeehouse, LLC. and Sunnyside Travel Plaza (Transfer Only), all carrying the required approvals. 3. Approval of the Monthly Expenditure Summary for the month of May, 2014. 4. Approval of Monthly Treasurer's Report for the month of May, 2014. 5. Approval of Monthly Reports from various Division and Department Heads. 6. Request for Council ratification for the publication of legal notices calling for public hearings on June 12, 2014. ACTION: To approve all items on the Consent Agenda according to the recommendations presented.
Municipal Services Division: 1. Purchase of IT Equipment - Servers: Municipal Services Division and Idaho Falls Power respectfully request authorization to purchase the servers from Compunet, Inc. in the lump sum amount of $52,832.48 from the State of Idaho Bid No. PADD1070 and the WSCA Contract No. AR-233. ACTION: To give authorization for the Municipal Services Division and Idaho Falls Power to purchase servers from Compunet, Inc. in the amount of $52,832.48 from the State of Idaho Bid No. PADD1070 and the WSCA Contract No. AR-233 (or take other action deemed appropriate).
Police Division: 1. Ordinance Amendment to Allow for Retail Sales of Beer and Wine on Thanksgiving Day: The Police Division is requesting that City Code Sections 4-3-14 and 4-4-13 be amended to consider proposed changes allowing for retail sales of beer and wine on Thanksgiving Day. The current Ordinance allows for sale of beer and wine by the drink on Thanksgiving Day, but not the sale at retail establishments for consumption off the premises. ACTION: To approve the Ordinance under the suspension of the rules requiring three complete and separate readings and that it be read by title and published by summary (or consider the Ordinance on the first reading and that it be read by title, or reject the Ordinance).
Airport Terminal Expansion Project - Change Order No. 5: This is Change Order No. 5 for the Idaho Falls Regional Airport Terminal Expansion Project. This Change Order is due to work items needed that were not addressed in the original contract and increases the project cost by $13,087.21, for a revised contract total of $2,402,254.97. The Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) has reviewed and approved this Change Order as eligible for reimbursement at 93.75%. ACTION: To approve Change Order No. 5 in the amount of $13,087.21 to Barry Hayes Construction, LLC. For the Idaho Falls Regional Airport Terminal Expansion Project and give authorization for the Mayor to execute the necessary documents (or take other action deemed appropriate).
Work Order No. 3 with TO Engineers - Airport Lease Review and Rates/Charges Analysis Project: This is Work Order No. 3 between the City of Idaho Falls and T-0 Engineers for the Airport Lease Review and Rates/Charges Analysis Project. The project will include an analysis of current Airport commercial and non-commercial leases and rates and charges, a comparison to peer airports, and evaluation for compliance with Federal Aviation Administration Regulations and Grant Assurances. The City Attorney has reviewed said document. ACTION: To approve Work Order No. 3 with T-O Engineers for the Airport Lease Review and Rates/Charges Analysis Project in the amount of $22,100.00 and give authorization for the Mayor to execute the necessary documents (or take other action deemed appropriate).
Transportation Security Administration (TSA) Lease Agreement -Airport Terminal Office Space: This is a Lease Agreement between the City of Idaho Falls and the General Services Administration (GSA), acting on behalf of the Transportation Security Administration (TSA) for Airport Terminal Space. The City Attorney has reviewed said Lease Agreement. ACTION: To approve the Lease Agreement between the City of Idaho Falls and the General Services Administration (GSA), acting on behalf of the Transportation Security Administration (TSA), for Airport Terminal Space and give authorization for the Mayor and City Clerk to execute the necessary documents (or take other action deemed appropriate).
Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) Airport Improvement Program Grant Application (AIP 039) - Airport South Quadrant Hangar Infrastructure Project: This is a Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) Airport Improvement Program Grant Application (AIP 039) for the Design and Construction of the Airport South Quadrant Hangar Infrastructure Project. The application is for a total project cost of $1,800,000.00 of which 93.75% will be funded by FAA and the remaining 6.25% funded by Airport budgeted resources. It is anticipated the FAA will issue a grant offer in late June 2014 which will be brought to the City Council for acceptance. ACTION: To approve the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) Airport Improvement Program Grant Application (AIP 039) for the Design and Construction of the Airport South Quadrant Hangar Infrastructure Project, and give authorization for the Mayor and City Clerk to execute the necessary documents (or take other action deemed appropriate).
Tabulation and Award of Bid for Alley Sewer Pipe Bursting Between 7** Street and 8th Street from Holmes Avenue to Tiger Avenue: On May 20, 2014, bids were received and opened for Alley Sewer Pipe Bursting between 7th Street and 8th Street, from Holmes Avenue to Tiger Avenue Project. Public Works Division recommends approval of the plans and specifications, award to the lowest responsive, responsible bidder, TMC Contractors, Inc., in an amount of $230,404.00 and, authorization for the Mayor and City Clerk to sign contract documents. ACTION: To approve the plans and specifications for the Alley Sewer Pipe Bursting Between 7th Street and 8th Street from Holmes Avenue to Tiger Avenue; to accept the lowest responsive, responsible bid provided by TMC Contractors, Inc. in the amount of $230,404.00; and, give authorization for the Mayor and City Clerk to execute the necessary contract documents (or take other action deemed appropriate).
Tabulation and Award of Bid for Sewer Replacements - 2014 Project: On May 20, 2014, bids were received and opened for Sewer Replacements - 2014 Project. Public Works Division recommends approval of the plans and specifications, award to the lowest responsive, responsible bidder, TMC Contractors, Inc. in the amount of $60,694.00 and, authorization for the Mayor and City Clerk to sign contract documents. ACTION: To approve the plans and specifications for the Sewer Replacements - 2014 Project; to accept the lowest responsive, responsible bid provided by TMC Contractors, Inc. in the amount of $60,694.00; and give authorization for the Mayor and City Clerk to execute the necessary contract documents (or take other action deemed appropriate).
Tabulation and Award of Bid for ADA Improvements on Yellowstone Avenue and Holmes Avenue: On June 3, 2014, bids were received and opened for ADA Improvements on Yellowstone Avenue and Holmes Avenue Project. Public Works Division recommends approval of the plans and specifications, award to the lowest responsive, responsible bidder, Richardson Concrete, Inc., in an amount of $77,945.00 and, authorization for the Mayor and City Clerk to sign contract documents. ACTION: To approve the plans and specifications for the ADA Improvements on Yellowstone Avenue and Holmes Avenue; to accept the lowest responsive, responsible bid provided by Richardson Concrete, Inc. in the amount of $77,945.00; and give authorization for the Mayor and City Clerk to execute the necessary contract documents (or take other action deemed appropriate).
Change Order No. 1 to TMC Contractors, Inc. for Pavement Equipment Rental - 2013 Project: This is a Change Order to the Pavement Equipment Rental - 2013 Project. The Change Order provides additional compensation to the contractor to pay use tax for plantmix pavement bought and delivered to the paver by the City of Idaho Falls Street Department. The Idaho State Tax Commission has deemed that a 6% tax needs to be assessed for this material supplied by the City. The contractor was unaware that a use tax would be assessed and did not include this cost within the original bid. The total cost of this Change Order is $9,413.96. This Change Order has been reviewed by the City Attorney. The Public Works Division recommends approval of this Change Order, and authorization for the Mayor and City Clerk to execute the necessary documents. ACTION: To approve Change Order No. 1 to TMC Contractors, Inc. for the Pavement Equipment Rental - 2013 Project in the amount of $9,413.96, and give authorization for the Mayor and City Clerk to execute the necessary documents (or take other action deemed appropriate).
Professional Services Supplemental Agreement with Six Mile Engineering - Pancheri Drive, Bellin Road to Skyline Drive Project: This is a Supplemental Agreement with Six Mile Engineering for the Pancheri Drive, Bellin Road to Skyline Drive Project. The Supplemental Agreement is for changes to the scope of work for the project, including adding traffic signal interconnect and modifications to the plans and specifications to accommodate the overall project budget. The total not-to-exceed compensation for this Supplemental Agreement is $13,200.00. The City will be responsible for 7.34% of this amount. This Agreement has been reviewed by the City Attorney. Public Works Division recommends approval of this Professional Services Supplemental Agreement and authorization for the Mayor and City Clerk to sign the necessary documents. ACTION: To approve the Professional Services Supplemental Agreement with Six Mile Engineering for the Pancheri Drive, Bellin Road to Skyline Drive Project for a total not-to-exceed compensation amount of $13,200.00, of which the City is responsible for 7.34% of that amount; and, give authorization for the Mayor and City Clerk to execute the necessary documents (or take other action deemed appropriate).
Idaho Falls Power Division: 1. Amend Contract with Battelle Energy Alliance for De-Energization Work at Buildings in Idaho Falls: On December 9, 2013, the City Council approved an Agreement with Battelle Energy Alliance (BEA) for Idaho Falls Power staff to isolate, de-energize, and re-energize high voltage components on BEA facilities in Idaho Falls. This support work is necessary to enable BEA to complete work internal to their electric system. Idaho Falls Power staff is qualified to do this work and it is consistent with work that staff frequently completes on our system. Attached is the proposed Amendment to the contract. The City Attorney has reviewed the Contract. ACTION: To approve the Amendment to the Contract with Battelle Energy Alliance for De-Energization Work at Buildings in Idaho Falls, and give authorization for the Mayor to execute the necessary documents (or take other action deemed appropriate).
1. Final Plat, Development Agreement, and Reasoned Statement of Relevant Criteria and Standards - Avalon Village Addition, Division No. 1: This is an application for a Final Plat, Development Agreement, and the Reasoned Statement of Relevant Criteria and Standards for Avalon Village Addition, Division No. 1. The Planning Commission considered this request at its May 6, 2014 Meeting and recommended approval with the condition that the landscaping adjacent to Holmes Avenue be developed at the same time as the other infrastructure in the development. Staff concurs with this recommendation. ACTION: The following recommendations in sequential order (or take other action deemed appropriate): a. To approve the Development Agreement for Avalon Village Addition, Division No. 1, and give authorization for the Mayor and City Clerk to execute the necessary documents. b. To accept the Final Plat entitled Avalon Village Addition, Division No. 1, and give authorization for the Mayor, City Engineer, and City Clerk to sign said Final Plat. c. To approve the Reasoned Statement of Relevant Criteria and Standards for Avalon Village Addition, Division No. 1, and give authorization for the Mayor to execute the necessary documents. 6. Public Hearing - Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) 2013 Consolidated Annual Performance and Evaluation Report (CAPER): As part of the CDBG reporting requirements, the City of Idaho Falls must annually conduct a public hearing to consider the Consolidated Annual Performance and Evaluation Report (CAPER), followed by a 15-day public comment period. The public comment period will begin on June 12, 2014 and conclude on June 27, 2014. After considering all comments, a Resolution to approve the CAPER will be considered by the Mayor and Council on July 10, 2014. ACTION: Following the public hearing to receive public comments, nothing further is required at this time.
Public Hearing - Planned Unit Development for a Medical Office - Lot 9, Block 13, St. Clair Estates Addition, Division No. 13, 3rd Amended; Reasoned Statement of Relevant Criteria and Standards: This is an Application and Reasoned Statement of Relevant Criteria and Standards for a Planned Unit Development for a Medical Office Building located on Lot 9, Block 13, St. Clair Estates Addition, Division No. 13, 3rd Amended. The Planning Commission considered this application at its May 6, 2014 Meeting and recommended approval. Staff concurs with this recommendation. ACTION: The following recommendations in sequential order (or take other action deemed appropriate): a. To approve the Planned Unit Development for a Medical Office Building to be located on Lot 9, Block 13, St. Clair Estates Addition, Division No. 13, 3rd Amended. b. To approve the Reasoned Statement of Relevant Criteria and Standards for the Planned Unit Development for a Medical Office Building to be located on Lot 9, Block 13, St. Clair Estates Addition, Division No. 13, 3rd Amended; and, give authorization for the Mayor to execute the necessary documents.
Public Hearing - Application to Amend the Comprehensive Plan Future Land Use Map from Higher Density Residential to Commercial for Approximately 37 Acres South of Pancheri Drive, East of Skyline Drive and West of Interstate 15: This is an Application and Reasoned Statement of Relevant Criteria and Standards to amend the Comprehensive Plan Future Land Use Map from Higher Density Residential to Commercial for approximately 37 acres of the area south of Pancheri Drive, east of Skyline Drive, and west of Interstate 15. The Planning Commission considered this request at its May 6, 2014 Meeting and recommended approval by a 5-1 vote. ACTION: The following recommendations in sequential order (or take other action deemed appropriate): a. To amend the Comprehensive Plan Future Land Use Map from Higher Density Residential to Commercial for approximately 37 acres of the area south of Pancheri Drive, east of Skyline Drive and west of Interstate 15. b. To approve the Statement of Relevant Criteria and Standards for the Amendment to the Comprehensive Plan Future Land Use Map from Higher Density Residential to Commercial for approximately 37 acres south of Pancheri Drive, east of Skyline Drive, and west of Interstate 15, and give authorization for the Mayor to execute the necessary documents.
Public Hearing - Annexation with Initial Zoning of HC-1 (Highway Commercial), Final Plat, Rezoning from C-l to HC-1, Annexation Agreement, and Reasoned Statement of Relevant Criteria and Standards - Freeway Commercial Center, Division No. 3: This is an Application for Annexation with Initial Zoning of HC-1 (Highway Commercial), Final Plat, Rezoning from C-l to HC-1, Annexation Agreement, and Reasoned Statement of Relevant Criteria and Standards for Freeway Commercial Center, Division No. 3. The Planning Commission considered this request at its May 6, 2014 Meeting and recommended approval with the condition that landscaping along Pancheri Drive be 30 feet in width. ACTION: The following recommendations in sequential order (or take other action deemed appropriate): a. (Annexation Agreement) To approve the Annexation Agreement for Freeway Commercial Center, Division No. 3 with the condition that landscaping along Pancheri Drive be 30 feet in width, and give authorization for the Mayor and City Clerk to execute the necessary documents. b. (Annexation Ordinance) To approve the Ordinance annexing Freeway Commercial Center, Division No. 3 under the suspension of the rules requiring three complete and separate readings and that it be read by title and published by summary (or consider the Ordinance on the first reading and that it be read by title, or reject the Ordinance). c. (Initial Comprehensive Plan Designation and Zoning Ordinance) To approve the Ordinance assigning a Comprehensive Plan Designation of Highway Commercial and establishing the initial zoning for Freeway Commercial Center, Division No. 3 as HC-1 (Highway Commercial); and the Rezoning from C-l to HC-1, Lots 5-6, Block 1, Freeway Commercial Center, Division No. 1 and Lot 7, Block 1, Freeway Commercial Center, Division No. 2, under the suspension of the rules requiring three complete and separate readings and that it be read by title and published by summary (or consider the Ordinance on the first reading and that it be read by title, or reject the Ordinance), that the Comprehensive Plan be amended to include the area annexed herewith, and that the City Planner be instructed to reflect said annexation, zoning, rezoning, and amendment to the Comprehensive Plan on the Comprehensive Plan and Zoning Maps located in the Planning Office. d. (Reasoned Statement of Relevant Criteria and Standards) To approve the Reasoned Statement of Relevant Criteria and Standards for the initial zoning for Freeway Commercial Center, Division No. 3 as HC-1 and the rezoning from C-l to HC-1 of Lots 5-6, Block 1, Freeway Commercial Center, Division No. 1 and Lot 7, Block 1, Freeway Commercial Center, Division No. 2, and give authorization for the Mayor to execute the necessary documents. e. (Final Plat) To accept the Final Plat for Freeway Commercial Center, Division No, 3 and give authorization for the Mayor, City Engineer, and City Clerk to sign said Final Plat. f. (Reasoned Statement of Relevant Criteria and Standards) To approve the Reasoned Statement of Relevant Criteria and Standards for Freeway Commercial Center, Division No. 3 and give authorization for the Mayor to execute the necessary documents.
Motion to Adjourn
1. Call to Order and Roll Call. 2. Pledge of Allegiance. 3. Public Comment and Mayor's Response Time (Limit 15 Minutes): For members of the Public to speak to the Council regarding matters NOT on the Agenda, not currently pending before the Planning Commission or Board of Adjustment; not the subject of a pending enforcement action; and not relative to a City personnel matter. Please state your name and address for the record and please limit remarks to three (3) minutes. Mayor and/or staff will respond to comments from previous meeting.
CONSENT AGENDA: Any item will be removed from the Consent Agenda at the request of any member of the Council and that item will be considered separately later. Approval by roll call vote: a. Item from the Mayor: 1. Appointment of Kenneth B. McOmber to serve as the City Treasurer. b. Items from the City Clerk: 1. Approval of Minutes from the May 12, 2014 Special Council Meeting, the May 16, 2014 Special Council Meeting, the May 19, 2014 Council Work Session, the May 21, 2014 Special Council Meeting, the May 22, 2014 Special Council Meeting, the May 22, 2014 Regular Council Meeting, and the June 2, 2014 Cities-County Meeting. 2. Approval of License Applications, including BEER LICENSES to BV Coffeehouse, LLC. and Sunnyside Travel Plaza (Transfer Only), all carrying the required approvals. 3. Approval of the Monthly Expenditure Summary for the month of May, 2014. 4. Approval of Monthly Treasurer's Report for the month of May, 2014. 5. Approval of Monthly Reports from various Division and Department Heads. 6. Request for Council ratification for the publication of legal notices calling for public hearings on June 12, 2014. ACTION: To approve all items on the Consent Agenda according to the recommendations presented.
Municipal Services Division: 1. Purchase of IT Equipment - Servers: Municipal Services Division and Idaho Falls Power respectfully request authorization to purchase the servers from Compunet, Inc. in the lump sum amount of $52,832.48 from the State of Idaho Bid No. PADD1070 and the WSCA Contract No. AR-233. ACTION: To give authorization for the Municipal Services Division and Idaho Falls Power to purchase servers from Compunet, Inc. in the amount of $52,832.48 from the State of Idaho Bid No. PADD1070 and the WSCA Contract No. AR-233 (or take other action deemed appropriate).
Police Division: 1. Ordinance Amendment to Allow for Retail Sales of Beer and Wine on Thanksgiving Day: The Police Division is requesting that City Code Sections 4-3-14 and 4-4-13 be amended to consider proposed changes allowing for retail sales of beer and wine on Thanksgiving Day. The current Ordinance allows for sale of beer and wine by the drink on Thanksgiving Day, but not the sale at retail establishments for consumption off the premises. ACTION: To approve the Ordinance under the suspension of the rules requiring three complete and separate readings and that it be read by title and published by summary (or consider the Ordinance on the first reading and that it be read by title, or reject the Ordinance).
Airport Terminal Expansion Project - Change Order No. 5: This is Change Order No. 5 for the Idaho Falls Regional Airport Terminal Expansion Project. This Change Order is due to work items needed that were not addressed in the original contract and increases the project cost by $13,087.21, for a revised contract total of $2,402,254.97. The Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) has reviewed and approved this Change Order as eligible for reimbursement at 93.75%. ACTION: To approve Change Order No. 5 in the amount of $13,087.21 to Barry Hayes Construction, LLC. For the Idaho Falls Regional Airport Terminal Expansion Project and give authorization for the Mayor to execute the necessary documents (or take other action deemed appropriate).
Work Order No. 3 with TO Engineers - Airport Lease Review and Rates/Charges Analysis Project: This is Work Order No. 3 between the City of Idaho Falls and T-0 Engineers for the Airport Lease Review and Rates/Charges Analysis Project. The project will include an analysis of current Airport commercial and non-commercial leases and rates and charges, a comparison to peer airports, and evaluation for compliance with Federal Aviation Administration Regulations and Grant Assurances. The City Attorney has reviewed said document. ACTION: To approve Work Order No. 3 with T-O Engineers for the Airport Lease Review and Rates/Charges Analysis Project in the amount of $22,100.00 and give authorization for the Mayor to execute the necessary documents (or take other action deemed appropriate).
Transportation Security Administration (TSA) Lease Agreement -Airport Terminal Office Space: This is a Lease Agreement between the City of Idaho Falls and the General Services Administration (GSA), acting on behalf of the Transportation Security Administration (TSA) for Airport Terminal Space. The City Attorney has reviewed said Lease Agreement. ACTION: To approve the Lease Agreement between the City of Idaho Falls and the General Services Administration (GSA), acting on behalf of the Transportation Security Administration (TSA), for Airport Terminal Space and give authorization for the Mayor and City Clerk to execute the necessary documents (or take other action deemed appropriate).
Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) Airport Improvement Program Grant Application (AIP 039) - Airport South Quadrant Hangar Infrastructure Project: This is a Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) Airport Improvement Program Grant Application (AIP 039) for the Design and Construction of the Airport South Quadrant Hangar Infrastructure Project. The application is for a total project cost of $1,800,000.00 of which 93.75% will be funded by FAA and the remaining 6.25% funded by Airport budgeted resources. It is anticipated the FAA will issue a grant offer in late June 2014 which will be brought to the City Council for acceptance. ACTION: To approve the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) Airport Improvement Program Grant Application (AIP 039) for the Design and Construction of the Airport South Quadrant Hangar Infrastructure Project, and give authorization for the Mayor and City Clerk to execute the necessary documents (or take other action deemed appropriate).
Tabulation and Award of Bid for Alley Sewer Pipe Bursting Between 7** Street and 8th Street from Holmes Avenue to Tiger Avenue: On May 20, 2014, bids were received and opened for Alley Sewer Pipe Bursting between 7th Street and 8th Street, from Holmes Avenue to Tiger Avenue Project. Public Works Division recommends approval of the plans and specifications, award to the lowest responsive, responsible bidder, TMC Contractors, Inc., in an amount of $230,404.00 and, authorization for the Mayor and City Clerk to sign contract documents. ACTION: To approve the plans and specifications for the Alley Sewer Pipe Bursting Between 7th Street and 8th Street from Holmes Avenue to Tiger Avenue; to accept the lowest responsive, responsible bid provided by TMC Contractors, Inc. in the amount of $230,404.00; and, give authorization for the Mayor and City Clerk to execute the necessary contract documents (or take other action deemed appropriate).
Tabulation and Award of Bid for Sewer Replacements - 2014 Project: On May 20, 2014, bids were received and opened for Sewer Replacements - 2014 Project. Public Works Division recommends approval of the plans and specifications, award to the lowest responsive, responsible bidder, TMC Contractors, Inc. in the amount of $60,694.00 and, authorization for the Mayor and City Clerk to sign contract documents. ACTION: To approve the plans and specifications for the Sewer Replacements - 2014 Project; to accept the lowest responsive, responsible bid provided by TMC Contractors, Inc. in the amount of $60,694.00; and give authorization for the Mayor and City Clerk to execute the necessary contract documents (or take other action deemed appropriate).
Tabulation and Award of Bid for ADA Improvements on Yellowstone Avenue and Holmes Avenue: On June 3, 2014, bids were received and opened for ADA Improvements on Yellowstone Avenue and Holmes Avenue Project. Public Works Division recommends approval of the plans and specifications, award to the lowest responsive, responsible bidder, Richardson Concrete, Inc., in an amount of $77,945.00 and, authorization for the Mayor and City Clerk to sign contract documents. ACTION: To approve the plans and specifications for the ADA Improvements on Yellowstone Avenue and Holmes Avenue; to accept the lowest responsive, responsible bid provided by Richardson Concrete, Inc. in the amount of $77,945.00; and give authorization for the Mayor and City Clerk to execute the necessary contract documents (or take other action deemed appropriate).
Change Order No. 1 to TMC Contractors, Inc. for Pavement Equipment Rental - 2013 Project: This is a Change Order to the Pavement Equipment Rental - 2013 Project. The Change Order provides additional compensation to the contractor to pay use tax for plantmix pavement bought and delivered to the paver by the City of Idaho Falls Street Department. The Idaho State Tax Commission has deemed that a 6% tax needs to be assessed for this material supplied by the City. The contractor was unaware that a use tax would be assessed and did not include this cost within the original bid. The total cost of this Change Order is $9,413.96. This Change Order has been reviewed by the City Attorney. The Public Works Division recommends approval of this Change Order, and authorization for the Mayor and City Clerk to execute the necessary documents. ACTION: To approve Change Order No. 1 to TMC Contractors, Inc. for the Pavement Equipment Rental - 2013 Project in the amount of $9,413.96, and give authorization for the Mayor and City Clerk to execute the necessary documents (or take other action deemed appropriate).
Professional Services Supplemental Agreement with Six Mile Engineering - Pancheri Drive, Bellin Road to Skyline Drive Project: This is a Supplemental Agreement with Six Mile Engineering for the Pancheri Drive, Bellin Road to Skyline Drive Project. The Supplemental Agreement is for changes to the scope of work for the project, including adding traffic signal interconnect and modifications to the plans and specifications to accommodate the overall project budget. The total not-to-exceed compensation for this Supplemental Agreement is $13,200.00. The City will be responsible for 7.34% of this amount. This Agreement has been reviewed by the City Attorney. Public Works Division recommends approval of this Professional Services Supplemental Agreement and authorization for the Mayor and City Clerk to sign the necessary documents. ACTION: To approve the Professional Services Supplemental Agreement with Six Mile Engineering for the Pancheri Drive, Bellin Road to Skyline Drive Project for a total not-to-exceed compensation amount of $13,200.00, of which the City is responsible for 7.34% of that amount; and, give authorization for the Mayor and City Clerk to execute the necessary documents (or take other action deemed appropriate).
Idaho Falls Power Division: 1. Amend Contract with Battelle Energy Alliance for De-Energization Work at Buildings in Idaho Falls: On December 9, 2013, the City Council approved an Agreement with Battelle Energy Alliance (BEA) for Idaho Falls Power staff to isolate, de-energize, and re-energize high voltage components on BEA facilities in Idaho Falls. This support work is necessary to enable BEA to complete work internal to their electric system. Idaho Falls Power staff is qualified to do this work and it is consistent with work that staff frequently completes on our system. Attached is the proposed Amendment to the contract. The City Attorney has reviewed the Contract. ACTION: To approve the Amendment to the Contract with Battelle Energy Alliance for De-Energization Work at Buildings in Idaho Falls, and give authorization for the Mayor to execute the necessary documents (or take other action deemed appropriate).
1. Final Plat, Development Agreement, and Reasoned Statement of Relevant Criteria and Standards - Avalon Village Addition, Division No. 1: This is an application for a Final Plat, Development Agreement, and the Reasoned Statement of Relevant Criteria and Standards for Avalon Village Addition, Division No. 1. The Planning Commission considered this request at its May 6, 2014 Meeting and recommended approval with the condition that the landscaping adjacent to Holmes Avenue be developed at the same time as the other infrastructure in the development. Staff concurs with this recommendation. ACTION: The following recommendations in sequential order (or take other action deemed appropriate): a. To approve the Development Agreement for Avalon Village Addition, Division No. 1, and give authorization for the Mayor and City Clerk to execute the necessary documents. b. To accept the Final Plat entitled Avalon Village Addition, Division No. 1, and give authorization for the Mayor, City Engineer, and City Clerk to sign said Final Plat. c. To approve the Reasoned Statement of Relevant Criteria and Standards for Avalon Village Addition, Division No. 1, and give authorization for the Mayor to execute the necessary documents. 6. Public Hearing - Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) 2013 Consolidated Annual Performance and Evaluation Report (CAPER): As part of the CDBG reporting requirements, the City of Idaho Falls must annually conduct a public hearing to consider the Consolidated Annual Performance and Evaluation Report (CAPER), followed by a 15-day public comment period. The public comment period will begin on June 12, 2014 and conclude on June 27, 2014. After considering all comments, a Resolution to approve the CAPER will be considered by the Mayor and Council on July 10, 2014. ACTION: Following the public hearing to receive public comments, nothing further is required at this time.
Public Hearing - Planned Unit Development for a Medical Office - Lot 9, Block 13, St. Clair Estates Addition, Division No. 13, 3rd Amended; Reasoned Statement of Relevant Criteria and Standards: This is an Application and Reasoned Statement of Relevant Criteria and Standards for a Planned Unit Development for a Medical Office Building located on Lot 9, Block 13, St. Clair Estates Addition, Division No. 13, 3rd Amended. The Planning Commission considered this application at its May 6, 2014 Meeting and recommended approval. Staff concurs with this recommendation. ACTION: The following recommendations in sequential order (or take other action deemed appropriate): a. To approve the Planned Unit Development for a Medical Office Building to be located on Lot 9, Block 13, St. Clair Estates Addition, Division No. 13, 3rd Amended. b. To approve the Reasoned Statement of Relevant Criteria and Standards for the Planned Unit Development for a Medical Office Building to be located on Lot 9, Block 13, St. Clair Estates Addition, Division No. 13, 3rd Amended; and, give authorization for the Mayor to execute the necessary documents.
Public Hearing - Application to Amend the Comprehensive Plan Future Land Use Map from Higher Density Residential to Commercial for Approximately 37 Acres South of Pancheri Drive, East of Skyline Drive and West of Interstate 15: This is an Application and Reasoned Statement of Relevant Criteria and Standards to amend the Comprehensive Plan Future Land Use Map from Higher Density Residential to Commercial for approximately 37 acres of the area south of Pancheri Drive, east of Skyline Drive, and west of Interstate 15. The Planning Commission considered this request at its May 6, 2014 Meeting and recommended approval by a 5-1 vote. ACTION: The following recommendations in sequential order (or take other action deemed appropriate): a. To amend the Comprehensive Plan Future Land Use Map from Higher Density Residential to Commercial for approximately 37 acres of the area south of Pancheri Drive, east of Skyline Drive and west of Interstate 15. b. To approve the Statement of Relevant Criteria and Standards for the Amendment to the Comprehensive Plan Future Land Use Map from Higher Density Residential to Commercial for approximately 37 acres south of Pancheri Drive, east of Skyline Drive, and west of Interstate 15, and give authorization for the Mayor to execute the necessary documents.
Public Hearing - Annexation with Initial Zoning of HC-1 (Highway Commercial), Final Plat, Rezoning from C-l to HC-1, Annexation Agreement, and Reasoned Statement of Relevant Criteria and Standards - Freeway Commercial Center, Division No. 3: This is an Application for Annexation with Initial Zoning of HC-1 (Highway Commercial), Final Plat, Rezoning from C-l to HC-1, Annexation Agreement, and Reasoned Statement of Relevant Criteria and Standards for Freeway Commercial Center, Division No. 3. The Planning Commission considered this request at its May 6, 2014 Meeting and recommended approval with the condition that landscaping along Pancheri Drive be 30 feet in width. ACTION: The following recommendations in sequential order (or take other action deemed appropriate): a. (Annexation Agreement) To approve the Annexation Agreement for Freeway Commercial Center, Division No. 3 with the condition that landscaping along Pancheri Drive be 30 feet in width, and give authorization for the Mayor and City Clerk to execute the necessary documents. b. (Annexation Ordinance) To approve the Ordinance annexing Freeway Commercial Center, Division No. 3 under the suspension of the rules requiring three complete and separate readings and that it be read by title and published by summary (or consider the Ordinance on the first reading and that it be read by title, or reject the Ordinance). c. (Initial Comprehensive Plan Designation and Zoning Ordinance) To approve the Ordinance assigning a Comprehensive Plan Designation of Highway Commercial and establishing the initial zoning for Freeway Commercial Center, Division No. 3 as HC-1 (Highway Commercial); and the Rezoning from C-l to HC-1, Lots 5-6, Block 1, Freeway Commercial Center, Division No. 1 and Lot 7, Block 1, Freeway Commercial Center, Division No. 2, under the suspension of the rules requiring three complete and separate readings and that it be read by title and published by summary (or consider the Ordinance on the first reading and that it be read by title, or reject the Ordinance), that the Comprehensive Plan be amended to include the area annexed herewith, and that the City Planner be instructed to reflect said annexation, zoning, rezoning, and amendment to the Comprehensive Plan on the Comprehensive Plan and Zoning Maps located in the Planning Office. d. (Reasoned Statement of Relevant Criteria and Standards) To approve the Reasoned Statement of Relevant Criteria and Standards for the initial zoning for Freeway Commercial Center, Division No. 3 as HC-1 and the rezoning from C-l to HC-1 of Lots 5-6, Block 1, Freeway Commercial Center, Division No. 1 and Lot 7, Block 1, Freeway Commercial Center, Division No. 2, and give authorization for the Mayor to execute the necessary documents. e. (Final Plat) To accept the Final Plat for Freeway Commercial Center, Division No, 3 and give authorization for the Mayor, City Engineer, and City Clerk to sign said Final Plat. f. (Reasoned Statement of Relevant Criteria and Standards) To approve the Reasoned Statement of Relevant Criteria and Standards for Freeway Commercial Center, Division No. 3 and give authorization for the Mayor to execute the necessary documents.
Motion to Adjourn