1. Call to Order and Roll Call. 2. Pledge of Allegiance.
Public Comment and Mayor's Response Time
CONSENT AGENDA: Any item will be removed from the Consent Agenda at the request of any member of the Council and that item will be considered separately later. Approval by roll call vote: a. Item from the Mayor: 1. Appointment of Human Resources Director. b. Items from the City Clerk: 1. Approval of Minutes from the March 28, 2014 Training-Orientation Meeting, the April 7, 2014 Council Work Session, the April 10, 2014 Regular Council Meeting, the April 11, 2014 Training/Orientation Meeting, and the April 14, 2014 Special Council Meeting. 2. Approval of License Applications, including a BEER LICENSE to Bees Knees Pub and Catering Company, all carrying the required approvals. c. Item from the Municipal Services Division: 1.- Request for authorization to advertise to receive bids for the Infrastructure of the City's Virtualization Project. d. Items from the Public Works Division: 1. Request for authorization to advertise to receive bids for the Alley Sewer Pipe Bursting between 7th Street and 8th Street, from Holmes Avenue to Tiger Avenue Project. 2. Request for authorization to advertise to receive bids for the Lee Avenue Storm Drain Construction, 2nd Street to 8th Street Project. 3. Request for authorization to advertise to receive bids for the Sewer Replacements - 2014 Project. ACTION: To approve all items on the Consent Agenda according to the recommendations presented.
A. Municipal Services Division: 1. Appointment of City Auditors: This is the audit proposal from Rudd and Company, PLLC for the audit of the City for the Fiscal Year ending September 30, 2014. There is a cost increase from last year's fee in the amount of $2,250.00, which amounts to a 5.8% increase. ACTION: To approve the audit proposal from Rudd and Company, PLLC to audit the City for Fiscal Year ending September 30, 2014 in the amount of $40,750.00, and give authorization for the Mayor to execute the necessary documents (or take other action deemed appropriate).
Appointment of Electric Light Fund Auditors: This is the audit proposal from Moss Adams, LLC for the audit of the City's Electric Light Fund for the Fiscal Year ending September 30, 2014. There is no increase from last year. ACTION: To approve the audit proposal from Moss Adams, LLC to audit the Electric Light Fund for Fiscal Year ending September 30, 2014 in the amount of $49,000.00, plus out of pocket travel expenses, and give authorization for the Mayor to execute the necessary documents (or take other action deemed appropriate).
Tabulation and Award of Bid for Bid IF-14-10, New Mowers: This is a bid tabulation for the purchase of 3 new mowers. It is the recommendation of the Municipal Services Division and the Parks and Recreation Division to accept the sole bid. ACTION: To accept the sole bid of Rocky Mountain Turf Equipment to furnish One (1) New 2014 Jacobsen Eclipse 322/62851 Reel Mower and Two (2) New 2014 Jacobsen LF550/68011 Reel Mowers for a Lump Sum Total Amount of $116,845.00, with Trade-In Units No. 993 and 9504 (or take other action deemed appropriate).
Tabulation and Award of Bid for Bid IF-14-13, One (1) New 2014 or Newer Automated Side Load Refuse Container Body - Minimum 4 Cubic Yard Mounted on One (1) New 2014 or Newer Conventional Cab and Chassis: This is a bid tabulation for the purchase of One (1) New 2014 or Newer Automated Side Load Refuse Container Body - Minimum 4 Cubic Yard Mounted on One (1) New 2014 or Newer Conventional Cab and Chassis. It is the recommendation of the Municipal Services Division and the Parks and Recreation Division to accept the low bid. ACTION: To accept the low bid submitted by Rush Truck Centers to furnish One (1) New 2014 Wayne Autocat Refuse Container Body mounted on a New 2015 International Cab and Chassis in the amount of $164,730.00 (or take other action deemed appropriate).
Tabulation and Award of Bid for Bid IF-14-16, Furnishing/ Installing/Removing Public Safety Equipment in Idaho Falls Police Vehicles: This is a bid tabulation for the award of Furnishing/Installing/Removing Public Safety Equipment in the Idaho Falls Police Vehicles. It is the recommendation of the Municipal Services Division and the Police Division to accept the lowest responsive, responsible bid. ACTION: To accept the lowest responsive, responsible bid submitted by Teton Communications, to furnish the equipment required for the police vehicles for a lump sum amount of $64,929.55 (or take other action deemed appropriate).
Placement of Boiler and Machinery and Property Coverage for all Hydro Projects: Municipal Services Division is requesting authorization to bind the insurance coverage for all four of the City's Hydro Electric Projects with Starr Tech-Ace American Insurance Company, Essex and Aspen Insurance Companies. The deductible is $250,000.00 for property loss and 45 days on the Business Interruption. The coverage is for a one (1) year period beginning April 29, 2014. The Premium is $296,530.00 and Fred A. Moreton and Company is the Broker for this coverage. ACTION: To authorize the binding of insurance coverage for all four hydroelectric projects with Starr Tech-Ace American Insurance Company, Essex and Aspen Insurance Companies for an annual premium amount of $296,530.00, with Fred A. Moreton and Company as the Broker for this coverage (or take other action deemed appropriate).
Final Plat, Development Agreement, and Reasoned Statement of Relevant Criteria and Standards - Snake River Landing, Division No. 8: This is an application for a Final Plat, Development Agreement, and Reasoned Statement of Relevant Criteria and Standards for Snake River Landing, Division No. 8. The Planning Commission considered this item at its November 13, 2012 Meeting and recommended approval. The applicant delayed submitting the application to City Council until details for the anticipated project for the site were clear. Staff concurs with the recommendation from the Planning Commission. ACTION: The following recommendations, in sequential order (or take other action deemed appropriate): a. To approve the Development Agreement for Snake River Landing, Division No. 8 and, further, give authorization for the Mayor and City Clerk to execute the documents. b. To accept the Final Plat entitled Snake River Landing, Division No. 8 and give authorization for the Mayor, City Engineer, and City Clerk to sign said Final Plat. c. To approve the Reasoned Statement of Relevant Criteria and Standards for Snake River Landing, Division No. 8 and give authorization for the Mayor to execute the necessary documents.
Final Plat, Development Agreement, and Reasoned Statement of Relevant Criteria and Standards - Snake River Landing, Division No. 10: This is an application for a Final Plat, Development Agreement, and Reasoned Statement of Relevant Criteria and Standards for Snake River Landing, Division No. 10. The Planning Commission considered this item at its April 1, 2014 Meeting and recommended approval. Staff concurs with the recommendation from the Planning Commission. ACTION: The following recommendations, in sequential order (or take other action deemed appropriate): a. To approve the Development Agreement for Snake River Landing, Division No. 10 and, further, give authorization for the Mayor and City Clerk to execute the documents. b. To accept the Final Plat entitled Snake River Landing, Division No. 10 and give authorization for the Mayor, City Engineer, and City Clerk to sign said Final Plat. c. To approve the Reasoned Statement of Relevant Criteria and Standards for Snake River Landing, Division No. 10 and give authorization for the Mayor to execute the necessary documents.
Idaho Falls Power Division: 1. Master Services Agreement with Triaxis Engineering, Inc. for Engineering Services: This is a Master Services Agreement for Engineering Services to be provided by Triaxis Engineering, Inc. The Master Services Agreement is the blanket agreement governing all work between Idaho Falls Power and Triaxis Engineering, Inc. For each work item a task order is executed at the time the service is requested. The task orders include a scope of services and a not-to-exceed amount. ACTION: To approve the Master Services Agreement for Engineering Services with Triaxis Engineering, Inc. and give authorization for the Mayor to execute the necessary documents (or take other action deemed appropriate).
Tabulation and Award of Bid for the Gem State Excitation System Project: At the April 10, 2014 City Council Meeting, Council awarded the Gem State Excitation System Bid to Basler Electric Company for the amount of $145,288.00. Staff requests authorization to also award Alternate A, lie Digital Excitation System Spare Parts, to Basler Electric Company in the amount of $45,828.00. These parts would be held in Idaho Falls Power Warehouse for future maintenance of the equipment. Purchasing the parts at this time allows Idaho Falls Power to take advantage of more competitive pricing. As noted on the bid tabulation, even with the addition of Alternate A, Basler Electric Company remains the low bid. ACTION: To award Alternate A for the Gem State Excitation System Project to Basler Electric Company in the amount of $45,828.00, bringing the total contract to $191,116.00 (or take other action deemed appropriate).
Tabulation and Award of Bid for Well 3 Piping Upgrade Project: On April 8, 2014, bids were received and opened for Well 3 Piping Upgrade Project. A tabulation of bid results is attached. Public Works Division recommends approval of the plans and specifications and award to the lowest responsive, responsible bidder. ACTION: To approve the plans and specifications for the Well 3 Piping Upgrade Project, award to the lowest responsive, responsible bidder, 3H Construction, LLC, in the amount of $82,782.50, and give authorization for the Mayor and City Clerk to execute the contract documents (or take other action deemed appropriate).
Tabulation and Award of Bid for Water Line Replacements - 2014 Project: On April 17, 2014, bids were received and opened for Water Line Replacements -2014 Project. A tabulation of the bid results is attached. Public Works Division recommends approval of the plans and specifications and award to the lowest responsive, responsible bidder. ACTION: To approve the plans and specifications for the Water Line Replacements -2014 Project, award to the lowest responsive, responsible bidder, TMC Contractors, Inc., in the amount of $1,415,070.00, and give authorization for the Mayor and City Clerk to execute the contract documents (or take other action deemed appropriate).
Airport Terminal Expansion Project - Change Order No. 4: This is Change Order No. 4 to Barry Hayes Construction, LLC, for the Terminal Expansion Project. This Change Order is due to work items needed that were not addressed in the original contract, and increases the project cost by $29,357.09, for revised contract total of $2,390,167.76. The Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) has reviewed and approved this Change Order as eligible for reimbursement at 93.75%. ACTION: To approve Change Order No. 4 to Barry Hayes Construction, LLC for the Terminal Expansion Project in the amount of $29,357.09, and give authorization for the Mayor to execute the necessary documents (or take other action deemed appropriate).
Work Order No. 2 with T-O Engineers for the Airport South Quadrant Hangar Development Project: This is Work Order No. 2 between the City of Idaho Falls and T-O Engineers for the Airport South Quadrant Hangar Development Project. Work Order No. 2 will provide for the final design, bidding, and construction administration portions of the project. The City Attorney has reviewed the documents. ACTION: To approve Work Order No. 2 with T-O Engineers for the Airport South Quadrant Hangar Development Project, and give authorization for the Mayor to execute the necessary documents (or take other action deemed appropriate). Motion to Adjourn.
1. Call to Order and Roll Call. 2. Pledge of Allegiance.
Public Comment and Mayor's Response Time
CONSENT AGENDA: Any item will be removed from the Consent Agenda at the request of any member of the Council and that item will be considered separately later. Approval by roll call vote: a. Item from the Mayor: 1. Appointment of Human Resources Director. b. Items from the City Clerk: 1. Approval of Minutes from the March 28, 2014 Training-Orientation Meeting, the April 7, 2014 Council Work Session, the April 10, 2014 Regular Council Meeting, the April 11, 2014 Training/Orientation Meeting, and the April 14, 2014 Special Council Meeting. 2. Approval of License Applications, including a BEER LICENSE to Bees Knees Pub and Catering Company, all carrying the required approvals. c. Item from the Municipal Services Division: 1.- Request for authorization to advertise to receive bids for the Infrastructure of the City's Virtualization Project. d. Items from the Public Works Division: 1. Request for authorization to advertise to receive bids for the Alley Sewer Pipe Bursting between 7th Street and 8th Street, from Holmes Avenue to Tiger Avenue Project. 2. Request for authorization to advertise to receive bids for the Lee Avenue Storm Drain Construction, 2nd Street to 8th Street Project. 3. Request for authorization to advertise to receive bids for the Sewer Replacements - 2014 Project. ACTION: To approve all items on the Consent Agenda according to the recommendations presented.
A. Municipal Services Division: 1. Appointment of City Auditors: This is the audit proposal from Rudd and Company, PLLC for the audit of the City for the Fiscal Year ending September 30, 2014. There is a cost increase from last year's fee in the amount of $2,250.00, which amounts to a 5.8% increase. ACTION: To approve the audit proposal from Rudd and Company, PLLC to audit the City for Fiscal Year ending September 30, 2014 in the amount of $40,750.00, and give authorization for the Mayor to execute the necessary documents (or take other action deemed appropriate).
Appointment of Electric Light Fund Auditors: This is the audit proposal from Moss Adams, LLC for the audit of the City's Electric Light Fund for the Fiscal Year ending September 30, 2014. There is no increase from last year. ACTION: To approve the audit proposal from Moss Adams, LLC to audit the Electric Light Fund for Fiscal Year ending September 30, 2014 in the amount of $49,000.00, plus out of pocket travel expenses, and give authorization for the Mayor to execute the necessary documents (or take other action deemed appropriate).
Tabulation and Award of Bid for Bid IF-14-10, New Mowers: This is a bid tabulation for the purchase of 3 new mowers. It is the recommendation of the Municipal Services Division and the Parks and Recreation Division to accept the sole bid. ACTION: To accept the sole bid of Rocky Mountain Turf Equipment to furnish One (1) New 2014 Jacobsen Eclipse 322/62851 Reel Mower and Two (2) New 2014 Jacobsen LF550/68011 Reel Mowers for a Lump Sum Total Amount of $116,845.00, with Trade-In Units No. 993 and 9504 (or take other action deemed appropriate).
Tabulation and Award of Bid for Bid IF-14-13, One (1) New 2014 or Newer Automated Side Load Refuse Container Body - Minimum 4 Cubic Yard Mounted on One (1) New 2014 or Newer Conventional Cab and Chassis: This is a bid tabulation for the purchase of One (1) New 2014 or Newer Automated Side Load Refuse Container Body - Minimum 4 Cubic Yard Mounted on One (1) New 2014 or Newer Conventional Cab and Chassis. It is the recommendation of the Municipal Services Division and the Parks and Recreation Division to accept the low bid. ACTION: To accept the low bid submitted by Rush Truck Centers to furnish One (1) New 2014 Wayne Autocat Refuse Container Body mounted on a New 2015 International Cab and Chassis in the amount of $164,730.00 (or take other action deemed appropriate).
Tabulation and Award of Bid for Bid IF-14-16, Furnishing/ Installing/Removing Public Safety Equipment in Idaho Falls Police Vehicles: This is a bid tabulation for the award of Furnishing/Installing/Removing Public Safety Equipment in the Idaho Falls Police Vehicles. It is the recommendation of the Municipal Services Division and the Police Division to accept the lowest responsive, responsible bid. ACTION: To accept the lowest responsive, responsible bid submitted by Teton Communications, to furnish the equipment required for the police vehicles for a lump sum amount of $64,929.55 (or take other action deemed appropriate).
Placement of Boiler and Machinery and Property Coverage for all Hydro Projects: Municipal Services Division is requesting authorization to bind the insurance coverage for all four of the City's Hydro Electric Projects with Starr Tech-Ace American Insurance Company, Essex and Aspen Insurance Companies. The deductible is $250,000.00 for property loss and 45 days on the Business Interruption. The coverage is for a one (1) year period beginning April 29, 2014. The Premium is $296,530.00 and Fred A. Moreton and Company is the Broker for this coverage. ACTION: To authorize the binding of insurance coverage for all four hydroelectric projects with Starr Tech-Ace American Insurance Company, Essex and Aspen Insurance Companies for an annual premium amount of $296,530.00, with Fred A. Moreton and Company as the Broker for this coverage (or take other action deemed appropriate).
Final Plat, Development Agreement, and Reasoned Statement of Relevant Criteria and Standards - Snake River Landing, Division No. 8: This is an application for a Final Plat, Development Agreement, and Reasoned Statement of Relevant Criteria and Standards for Snake River Landing, Division No. 8. The Planning Commission considered this item at its November 13, 2012 Meeting and recommended approval. The applicant delayed submitting the application to City Council until details for the anticipated project for the site were clear. Staff concurs with the recommendation from the Planning Commission. ACTION: The following recommendations, in sequential order (or take other action deemed appropriate): a. To approve the Development Agreement for Snake River Landing, Division No. 8 and, further, give authorization for the Mayor and City Clerk to execute the documents. b. To accept the Final Plat entitled Snake River Landing, Division No. 8 and give authorization for the Mayor, City Engineer, and City Clerk to sign said Final Plat. c. To approve the Reasoned Statement of Relevant Criteria and Standards for Snake River Landing, Division No. 8 and give authorization for the Mayor to execute the necessary documents.
Final Plat, Development Agreement, and Reasoned Statement of Relevant Criteria and Standards - Snake River Landing, Division No. 10: This is an application for a Final Plat, Development Agreement, and Reasoned Statement of Relevant Criteria and Standards for Snake River Landing, Division No. 10. The Planning Commission considered this item at its April 1, 2014 Meeting and recommended approval. Staff concurs with the recommendation from the Planning Commission. ACTION: The following recommendations, in sequential order (or take other action deemed appropriate): a. To approve the Development Agreement for Snake River Landing, Division No. 10 and, further, give authorization for the Mayor and City Clerk to execute the documents. b. To accept the Final Plat entitled Snake River Landing, Division No. 10 and give authorization for the Mayor, City Engineer, and City Clerk to sign said Final Plat. c. To approve the Reasoned Statement of Relevant Criteria and Standards for Snake River Landing, Division No. 10 and give authorization for the Mayor to execute the necessary documents.
Idaho Falls Power Division: 1. Master Services Agreement with Triaxis Engineering, Inc. for Engineering Services: This is a Master Services Agreement for Engineering Services to be provided by Triaxis Engineering, Inc. The Master Services Agreement is the blanket agreement governing all work between Idaho Falls Power and Triaxis Engineering, Inc. For each work item a task order is executed at the time the service is requested. The task orders include a scope of services and a not-to-exceed amount. ACTION: To approve the Master Services Agreement for Engineering Services with Triaxis Engineering, Inc. and give authorization for the Mayor to execute the necessary documents (or take other action deemed appropriate).
Tabulation and Award of Bid for the Gem State Excitation System Project: At the April 10, 2014 City Council Meeting, Council awarded the Gem State Excitation System Bid to Basler Electric Company for the amount of $145,288.00. Staff requests authorization to also award Alternate A, lie Digital Excitation System Spare Parts, to Basler Electric Company in the amount of $45,828.00. These parts would be held in Idaho Falls Power Warehouse for future maintenance of the equipment. Purchasing the parts at this time allows Idaho Falls Power to take advantage of more competitive pricing. As noted on the bid tabulation, even with the addition of Alternate A, Basler Electric Company remains the low bid. ACTION: To award Alternate A for the Gem State Excitation System Project to Basler Electric Company in the amount of $45,828.00, bringing the total contract to $191,116.00 (or take other action deemed appropriate).
Tabulation and Award of Bid for Well 3 Piping Upgrade Project: On April 8, 2014, bids were received and opened for Well 3 Piping Upgrade Project. A tabulation of bid results is attached. Public Works Division recommends approval of the plans and specifications and award to the lowest responsive, responsible bidder. ACTION: To approve the plans and specifications for the Well 3 Piping Upgrade Project, award to the lowest responsive, responsible bidder, 3H Construction, LLC, in the amount of $82,782.50, and give authorization for the Mayor and City Clerk to execute the contract documents (or take other action deemed appropriate).
Tabulation and Award of Bid for Water Line Replacements - 2014 Project: On April 17, 2014, bids were received and opened for Water Line Replacements -2014 Project. A tabulation of the bid results is attached. Public Works Division recommends approval of the plans and specifications and award to the lowest responsive, responsible bidder. ACTION: To approve the plans and specifications for the Water Line Replacements -2014 Project, award to the lowest responsive, responsible bidder, TMC Contractors, Inc., in the amount of $1,415,070.00, and give authorization for the Mayor and City Clerk to execute the contract documents (or take other action deemed appropriate).
Airport Terminal Expansion Project - Change Order No. 4: This is Change Order No. 4 to Barry Hayes Construction, LLC, for the Terminal Expansion Project. This Change Order is due to work items needed that were not addressed in the original contract, and increases the project cost by $29,357.09, for revised contract total of $2,390,167.76. The Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) has reviewed and approved this Change Order as eligible for reimbursement at 93.75%. ACTION: To approve Change Order No. 4 to Barry Hayes Construction, LLC for the Terminal Expansion Project in the amount of $29,357.09, and give authorization for the Mayor to execute the necessary documents (or take other action deemed appropriate).
Work Order No. 2 with T-O Engineers for the Airport South Quadrant Hangar Development Project: This is Work Order No. 2 between the City of Idaho Falls and T-O Engineers for the Airport South Quadrant Hangar Development Project. Work Order No. 2 will provide for the final design, bidding, and construction administration portions of the project. The City Attorney has reviewed the documents. ACTION: To approve Work Order No. 2 with T-O Engineers for the Airport South Quadrant Hangar Development Project, and give authorization for the Mayor to execute the necessary documents (or take other action deemed appropriate). Motion to Adjourn.