1. Call to Order and Roll Call 2. Pledge of Allegiance.
CommUNITV Festival Diversity Essay Contest Awards Ceremony.
Public Comment and Mayor's Response Time
CONSENT AGENDA: Any item will be removed from the Consent Agenda at the request of any member of the Council and that item will be considered separately later. Approval by roll call vote: a. Items from the City Clerk: 1. Approval of Minutes from the March 24, 2014 Council Work Session and the March 27, 2014 Regular Council Meeting. 2. Approval of License Applications, including BEER LICENSES to Service Vending of Idaho, Inc. dba Mulligans (Pinecrest Golf Course), all carrying the required approvals. 3. Approval of the Monthly Expenditure Summary for the month of March, 2014. 4. Approval of Monthly Treasurer's Report for the month of March, 2014. 5. Approval of Monthly Reports from various Division and Department Heads. b. Items from the Idaho Falls Power General Manager: 1. Request for authorization to advertise to receive bids for Pole Testing and Treatment. 2. Request for authorization to advertise to receive bids for Outage Management System. c. Items from the Public Works Director: 1. Request for authorization to advertise to receive bids for Sewer Repairs -2014 Project. 2. Request Rehabilitation - 2014 Projec tf. or authorization to advertise to receive bids for Sanitary Sewer 3. Request for authorization to advertise to receive bids for Utah Avenue Roundabout Reconstruction Project. ACTION: To approve all items on the Consent Agenda according to the recommendations presented.
A. Municipal Services Director: 1. Tabulation and Award of Bid for Bid IF-14-14, One (1) New 2014 Side Load Refuse Container Body - Minimum 29 Cubic Yard Mounted on One (1) New 2014 Conventional Cab and Chassis: This is a tabulation and request for award of bid for One (1) New 2014 Side Load Refuse Container Body - Minimum 29 Cubic Yard - Mounted on One (1) New 2014 Conventional Cab and Chassis. It is the recommendation of the Municipal Services Division and the Public Works Division to accept the low bid. ACTION: To accept the low bid provided by Rush Truck Center (2A on the attached bid tabulation) for a total amount with trade-in of $132,750.00 (or take other action deemed appropriate).
B. Planning and Building Director: 1. First Amended Annexation Agreement, Utah Avenue Overlook, Division No. 1: This is an Amended Annexation Agreement for Utah Avenue Overlook, Division No. 1. In 2013, the Council agreed to amend the Agreement to reduce the required landscaping along the street from 15 feet in width to 10 feet. This amendment also requires additional landscaping on the southern boundary of the property. The Developer has agreed to the revised terms. ACTION: To approve the Amended Annexation Agreement for Utah Avenue Overlook, Division No. 1 and give authorization for the Mayor and City Clerk to execute the necessary documents (or take other action deemed appropriate).
Aaron Wilson and Idaho Falls Power: This is a Small Generation Net Metering and Interconnection Agreement between Aaron Wilson and Idaho Falls Power for generating facilities located at 3635 Tuscany. The City Attorney has reviewed the Agreement. ACTION: To approve the Small Generation Net Metering and Interconnection Agreement between Aaron Wilson and Idaho Falls Power and give authorization for the Mayor to execute the necessary documents (or take other action deemed appropriate).
This project involves excitation equipment replacement and engineering services to commission the system. This project is in the Capital Improvement Plan and in the Fiscal Year 2014 Budget. ACTION: To approve the plans and specifications for the Gem State Excitation System Project; to accept the low bid submitted by Basler Electric Company for the base bid amount of $145,288.00; and give authorization for the Mayor and City Clerk to execute the necessary contract documents (or take other action deemed appropriate).
1. Tabulation and Award of Bid for Major Street Overlays - 2014 Project: On March 25, 2014, bids were received and opened for Major Street Overlays -2014 Project. A tabulation of the bid results is attached. ACTION: To approve the plans and specifications for the Major Street Overlays - 2014 Project; to accept the lowest responsive, responsible bid submitted by DePatco, Inc. in the amount of $226,939.90; and give authorization for the Mayor and City C
This project involves excitation equipment replacement and engineering services to commission the system. This project is in the Capital Improvement Plan and in the Fiscal Year 2014 Budget. ACTION: To approve the plans and specifications for the Gem State Excitation System Project; to accept the low bid submitted by Basler Electric Company for the base bid amount of $145,288.00; and give authorization for the Mayor and City Clerk to execute the necessary contract documents (or take other action deemed appropriate).
2. Tabulation and Award of Bid for Minor Street Overlays - 2014 Project: On March 25, 2014, bids were received and opened for Minor Street Overlays -2014 Project. A tabulation of bid results is attached. ACTION: To approve the plans and specifications for the Minor Street Overlays - 2014 Project; to accept the lowest responsive, responsible bid submitted by HK Contractors, Inc. in the amount of $511,567.00; and, give authorization for the Mayor and City Clerk to execute the necessary contract documents (or take other action deemed appropriate).
3. Change Order No. 3 to Cannon Builders for the D Street Underpass Reconstruction Project: Attached is Change Order No. 3 to the "D" Street Underpass Reconstruction Project. The Change Order provides additional compensation to the contractor for supplying additional railroad grading and base placement not included in the original contract and also provides for additional compensation for increased railroad liability insurance as required by the railroad. The additional cost for railroad grading and base placement is $43,286.76 and the cost for additional liability insurance is $14,375.00. The total Change Order increase amounts to $57,661.76. ACTION: To approve Change Order No. 3 to Cannon Builders for the D Street Underpass Reconstruction Project in the total amount of $57,661.76 and give authorization for the Mayor and City Clerk to execute the necessary documents (or take other action deemed appropriate).
4. Iona Bonneville Sewer District - Request for Sewer Service Area Expansion: The Public Works Division is in receipt of a request from the Iona Bonneville Sewer District to increase the District's Sewer Service Area boundary by 2.708 acres. The proposed expansion area is for residential development at the northwest corner of East 49th North (Telford Road) and North 55th East as depicted on the attached map. ACTION: This approve the request from the Iona Bonneville Sewer District to increase the District's Sewer Service Area boundary by 2.708 acres for residential development at the northwest corner of East 49th North (Telford Road) and North 55th East (or take other action deemed appropriate). Motion to Adjourn.
1. Call to Order and Roll Call 2. Pledge of Allegiance.
CommUNITV Festival Diversity Essay Contest Awards Ceremony.
Public Comment and Mayor's Response Time
CONSENT AGENDA: Any item will be removed from the Consent Agenda at the request of any member of the Council and that item will be considered separately later. Approval by roll call vote: a. Items from the City Clerk: 1. Approval of Minutes from the March 24, 2014 Council Work Session and the March 27, 2014 Regular Council Meeting. 2. Approval of License Applications, including BEER LICENSES to Service Vending of Idaho, Inc. dba Mulligans (Pinecrest Golf Course), all carrying the required approvals. 3. Approval of the Monthly Expenditure Summary for the month of March, 2014. 4. Approval of Monthly Treasurer's Report for the month of March, 2014. 5. Approval of Monthly Reports from various Division and Department Heads. b. Items from the Idaho Falls Power General Manager: 1. Request for authorization to advertise to receive bids for Pole Testing and Treatment. 2. Request for authorization to advertise to receive bids for Outage Management System. c. Items from the Public Works Director: 1. Request for authorization to advertise to receive bids for Sewer Repairs -2014 Project. 2. Request Rehabilitation - 2014 Projec tf. or authorization to advertise to receive bids for Sanitary Sewer 3. Request for authorization to advertise to receive bids for Utah Avenue Roundabout Reconstruction Project. ACTION: To approve all items on the Consent Agenda according to the recommendations presented.
A. Municipal Services Director: 1. Tabulation and Award of Bid for Bid IF-14-14, One (1) New 2014 Side Load Refuse Container Body - Minimum 29 Cubic Yard Mounted on One (1) New 2014 Conventional Cab and Chassis: This is a tabulation and request for award of bid for One (1) New 2014 Side Load Refuse Container Body - Minimum 29 Cubic Yard - Mounted on One (1) New 2014 Conventional Cab and Chassis. It is the recommendation of the Municipal Services Division and the Public Works Division to accept the low bid. ACTION: To accept the low bid provided by Rush Truck Center (2A on the attached bid tabulation) for a total amount with trade-in of $132,750.00 (or take other action deemed appropriate).
B. Planning and Building Director: 1. First Amended Annexation Agreement, Utah Avenue Overlook, Division No. 1: This is an Amended Annexation Agreement for Utah Avenue Overlook, Division No. 1. In 2013, the Council agreed to amend the Agreement to reduce the required landscaping along the street from 15 feet in width to 10 feet. This amendment also requires additional landscaping on the southern boundary of the property. The Developer has agreed to the revised terms. ACTION: To approve the Amended Annexation Agreement for Utah Avenue Overlook, Division No. 1 and give authorization for the Mayor and City Clerk to execute the necessary documents (or take other action deemed appropriate).
Aaron Wilson and Idaho Falls Power: This is a Small Generation Net Metering and Interconnection Agreement between Aaron Wilson and Idaho Falls Power for generating facilities located at 3635 Tuscany. The City Attorney has reviewed the Agreement. ACTION: To approve the Small Generation Net Metering and Interconnection Agreement between Aaron Wilson and Idaho Falls Power and give authorization for the Mayor to execute the necessary documents (or take other action deemed appropriate).
This project involves excitation equipment replacement and engineering services to commission the system. This project is in the Capital Improvement Plan and in the Fiscal Year 2014 Budget. ACTION: To approve the plans and specifications for the Gem State Excitation System Project; to accept the low bid submitted by Basler Electric Company for the base bid amount of $145,288.00; and give authorization for the Mayor and City Clerk to execute the necessary contract documents (or take other action deemed appropriate).
1. Tabulation and Award of Bid for Major Street Overlays - 2014 Project: On March 25, 2014, bids were received and opened for Major Street Overlays -2014 Project. A tabulation of the bid results is attached. ACTION: To approve the plans and specifications for the Major Street Overlays - 2014 Project; to accept the lowest responsive, responsible bid submitted by DePatco, Inc. in the amount of $226,939.90; and give authorization for the Mayor and City C
This project involves excitation equipment replacement and engineering services to commission the system. This project is in the Capital Improvement Plan and in the Fiscal Year 2014 Budget. ACTION: To approve the plans and specifications for the Gem State Excitation System Project; to accept the low bid submitted by Basler Electric Company for the base bid amount of $145,288.00; and give authorization for the Mayor and City Clerk to execute the necessary contract documents (or take other action deemed appropriate).
2. Tabulation and Award of Bid for Minor Street Overlays - 2014 Project: On March 25, 2014, bids were received and opened for Minor Street Overlays -2014 Project. A tabulation of bid results is attached. ACTION: To approve the plans and specifications for the Minor Street Overlays - 2014 Project; to accept the lowest responsive, responsible bid submitted by HK Contractors, Inc. in the amount of $511,567.00; and, give authorization for the Mayor and City Clerk to execute the necessary contract documents (or take other action deemed appropriate).
3. Change Order No. 3 to Cannon Builders for the D Street Underpass Reconstruction Project: Attached is Change Order No. 3 to the "D" Street Underpass Reconstruction Project. The Change Order provides additional compensation to the contractor for supplying additional railroad grading and base placement not included in the original contract and also provides for additional compensation for increased railroad liability insurance as required by the railroad. The additional cost for railroad grading and base placement is $43,286.76 and the cost for additional liability insurance is $14,375.00. The total Change Order increase amounts to $57,661.76. ACTION: To approve Change Order No. 3 to Cannon Builders for the D Street Underpass Reconstruction Project in the total amount of $57,661.76 and give authorization for the Mayor and City Clerk to execute the necessary documents (or take other action deemed appropriate).
4. Iona Bonneville Sewer District - Request for Sewer Service Area Expansion: The Public Works Division is in receipt of a request from the Iona Bonneville Sewer District to increase the District's Sewer Service Area boundary by 2.708 acres. The proposed expansion area is for residential development at the northwest corner of East 49th North (Telford Road) and North 55th East as depicted on the attached map. ACTION: This approve the request from the Iona Bonneville Sewer District to increase the District's Sewer Service Area boundary by 2.708 acres for residential development at the northwest corner of East 49th North (Telford Road) and North 55th East (or take other action deemed appropriate). Motion to Adjourn.